Here’s a ‘title / theme’ demanding a radical choice between diametrically opposite ‘ways of life’. On the one hand, the “Provider” feeds ‘life’ (into you), and on the other hand, the “Parasite” sucks ‘life’ (out of you). You may not, immediately, recognise the ‘meaning / relevance / purpose’ of this topic – so fasten your seat belts.
As has been stated, here, before, we live in a ‘bewildering world’ of ‘consternation’, where three “cons” are rife ::: ‘con-facts’ / ‘con-flicts’ / ‘con-fusion’. These are ‘signs of the times’. So, we are called to “wake up”! Hence, our challenging question.
We are looking at ‘Life’s Big Picture’ and trying to understand “what’s going on” (around us) and trying to assess “where we fit in” (if at all). It’s a daunting task for each and all of us, but, ‘never-the-less’, most worthy of appraisal, because ‘default’ affects / effects “how we live life”.
God is the “Provider” : He has ‘made’ ‘PRO’VISION (VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order) in terms of ‘creation and creatures’. All that ‘exists’ is God’s ‘GIFT’. And, it all exists to make God known to man and to make man’s ‘life’ communion with God. In God’s Kingdom there’s “abundance”. The “Provider” creates ‘value’ in terms of ‘“Relationality’’’ (i.e. “love mode”).
Who, then, is the “Parasite”? It’s the ‘evil’ one, with a ‘D’ attached (i.e. the ‘Devil’, who became ‘personified’ in the world). All the “Parasite” thinks about is “scarcity” and, so, his survival plan is to ‘live-off’ everybody else (i.e. to ‘control and corner’ God’s ‘wholesome life sustenance’). The “Parasite” creates ‘poverty’ in terms of ‘“Transactions’” (i.e. “money mode”).
So, “where are you”? Our ‘hand-out’ card ‘poses’ two considerations ::: ‘Happy are those who recognise they are LOST and realise they are FOUND’ ::: We joyfully discover “where we are” when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. social) and our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. spiritual) CROSS each other and are reconciled.
“Yes”! In an ‘upside-down’ world, all this is ‘difficult to understand’. However, if we take our ‘insight’ from ‘Life in God’, we have a whole new perspective on our ‘way of life’ options / opportunities ::: “For in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28) ::: ‘You have made us for yourself O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’ (St. Augustine). And, Jesus the Christ ‘draws’ us, in terms of ::: “I must be about My Father’s business” (Luke 2:49) ::: “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
When we begin to “see” things from God’s perspective we begin to “act” like Jesus the Christ and begin to “become” ‘another’ Christ in the world. But, if we are “blind” to God’s all embracing ‘life’ (‘Gift Grace Glory’) we begin to “focus only on self” and begin to “act only on our own interests” and begin to “grasp and hoard in denial of the needs of others”. This means, we live as a “Parasite” and, as a consequence, lose our “Child of God” / “Body of Christ” status / inheritance.
20:20 Vision:
(a) “The ends of the earth stand in awe at the sight of your wonders. The lands of sunrise and sunset you fill with your joy” (Psalm 65:8).
(b) ‘As the wave is part of the sea and the sea is all of the wave ::: we are part of God and God is all of us’.
(c) ‘Life in God’ / ‘Live in God’ / ‘Love in God’ : Christ (= #33).
Daniel ( 7/9/17