In this blog we are reflecting on the ‘contextual comparative’ of (ongoing) ‘technological / human’ developments for life’s ‘LOST / FOUND’ children / teens / adults. The history of the world, to date, seems more like a ‘competition’ than a ‘partnership’ between technology & humanity.
The word ‘WHERE’ crops-up significantly in the Bible. In the ‘Old Testament’ we are told that God ‘called’ Adam (after the Fall): “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) & got a ‘troubled’ (i.e. LOST) response: “I heard your voice in the garden & I was afraid because I was naked & I hid myself” (Genesis 3:10) ::: In the ‘New Testament’ the story is quite different: followers of John the Baptist ask Jesus a simple question: “Where do you live?” & get a ‘PRO’FOUND answer: “Come & see” (John 1:39). The invitation is to: ‘Perfect Relational Order’ (i.e. FOUND).
Now, I hardly need to inform you of our ‘techie’ world: it’s ‘in your face’ 24/7, a la ‘IOT’ (‘Internet Of Things’). Who would have thought we would see a ‘face off’ in the realm of ‘autonomous: cars / people’. We ask: ‘WHERE’ is this race going / who is in charge? It is easy to conjure up images of interactions between ‘autonomous cars’ & sense the ‘risks / dangers / fears’ arising from same. And – let’s face it – is there not a parallel issue inherent when ‘autonomous persons’ set out on their own, too? It appears technology has set it’s ‘faith’ in Sat. Nav. (guidance systems). This begs the question: ‘WHERE’ do people place their ‘trust’ for guidance (enlightenment)?
A related topic is: ‘WHERE’ are the ‘IT’ paradigms of ‘Information Technology’ & ‘Incarnation Trinity’ heading? How does the ‘encoding’ of ‘Information Technology’ (that is programmed by humans) speak to our ‘conscious awareness’ when contrasted with the ‘decoding’ of ‘Incarnation Trinity’ (that is generated by God)?
Before we ‘wander & wonder’ further: let’s see if the Bible gives us any further insight into our ‘WHERE’ conundrum? And it does: “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). In translation this means: Abraham began his journey without ‘having a clue’ as to his ultimate destination. He humbly responded to God’s impulse (prompting) without thinking of the consequences. And, that is real faith: doing God’s will – here & now (place / time) – & leaving the result up to Him.
As Adam – sadly – resided (by his own admission) in the ‘dark’: we turn our attention to Jesus (the ‘new’ Adam) who tells us: “I am the light of the world” (John 8:10) & begin to contemplate His great “L” plate invitation: “Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:28-29). Jesus the Christ is our ‘role model’. He is our ‘human / divine’ “L” plate Master. He is ‘really real’: He is: Way Truth Life.
As we can see: ‘WHERE’ touches the ‘central core’ of Christian life ::: the ‘cross hairs’ that provide the ‘focus to fuse’ with God’s ‘PRO’VISION (i.e. God’s VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’). Note: this concept is set out on this website’s ‘invite card’ ::: “we joyfully discover ‘WHERE WE ARE’ when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ & our ‘vertical mode of life’ CROSS each other & are reconciled”.
The ‘great’ question is: ‘WHERE’ is God? The answer is: God ‘manifests’ every ‘WHERE’ (i.e. in every ‘person / place / thing’). He is less ‘kronos’ (linear time) & more ‘kairos’ (opportunity time). Hence ::: “it is only in the ‘present moment’ that God & the soul can meet & bless each other & ‘PLAY’ (‘Perfect Love Answers Yes’) & ‘PRAY’ (‘Perfect Relationality Answers Yes’).
Finally: let us review, again, Jesus’ open invitation to each & every person: “Come to Me” / “Come & see”. A vital question ‘pops-up’: ‘WHERE’ would Jesus be? And, as His disciples: ‘WHERE’ would Jesus want His people – you & me – to be? What Abraham’s story clearly tells us is: we ‘need to learn to listen to the real needs’ that God is trying to bring to our attention – each & every day (in every way). Our commitment to practice the Christian ‘way of life’ in terms of “‘RELATIONALITY”’ (i.e. being ‘tuned-in-to’ God) has been minimal / almost derisory – as we ‘give over’ more & more of our 24/7 to ‘tech’ induced distractions.
In summary: ‘WHERE’ pin-points the CROSS (i.e. the ‘cross-roads’ / the ‘cross-hairs’) in one’s life: where the horizontal (i.e. single / social) & vertical (i.e. spiritual) intersect & are reconciled.
Recognising Paradise LOST ::: ‘we act out / to win identity / to be accepted’.
Realising Paradise FOUND ::: ‘we are accepted / so is our identity / we act’.