This ‘title / theme’ focuses on the ‘faith-hope-love-relationship’ of the ‘early Church’. It was known as ::: The Way (‘VIA’) ::: and (as such) constituted the actual ‘WAY OF LIFE’ for all followers of Christ. It can be ‘decoded’ in terms of: ‘Value Identity Affirmation’.
‘Christian Beliefs’ (i.e. defined doctrines) and ‘Christian Practices’ (i.e. common customs) are what ‘Christians Life’ is all about. Yes, the ‘first’ Christians formed real and active ‘bonds of fellowship and communion’ with each other: “FIT” for Purpose (as per 1st eBook). Note: this understanding informs the ‘WAY OF LIFE’ paradigm, adopted in our ‘new’ website presentation.
Central to the Christian Life is Jesus the Christ. He is the supreme ‘model’ for living The Way (‘VIA’). And, as per ‘Konect 1-2-1’ front page, it’s Christ, all the way ::: ‘encountering Christ . . .’ / Called to be ‘another’ Christ . . . ‘ / Discipleship in Christ . . .’. Now, here’s the ‘nitty-gritty’ ::: followers of Christ learn ‘HOW TO LIVE LIFE’ (as Jesus manifested) – between ‘heaven and earth’ and ‘love and hate’ – in this ‘new’ WAY.
The great revelation of the Christian Life – which turned the world ‘upside-down’ – is the Incarnation Trinity ::: Jesus the Christ giving witness to ‘reality / relationality’ in terms of the ‘reciprocity / mutuality / complementarity’ of ‘Father / Son / Holy Spirit’. ‘Life’ is more than an ‘entanglement’ between ‘dual’ points of view (e.g. ‘good’ / ‘evil’ or ‘right’ / ‘wrong’). There is a ‘3rd’ dimension (at play).
Hence, Jesus the Christ explained the ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ of relational LIVING in terms of ‘LOVE IN ACTION’ ::: “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:38-40) ::: ‘DRAW’ (out), as against, ‘WARD’ (off) (i.e. ‘Die (to self) Recognise Acknowledge Welcome’ the other Person, as against, ‘Wage Antagonistic Relational Defiance’ against the other Person).
God made ‘PRO’VISION (i.e. VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’) ::: He created Creation (our ‘playground’) and Creatures (‘His image and likeness’). When the ‘big’ TEST did not work out (due to The Fall), He sent His only Son (Divine and Human) to show us ‘HOW TO LIVE’ a new ‘WAY OF LIFE’. This is stated in ‘CCC 521’, as follows ::: ‘Christ enables us to live in Him all that He Himself lived and He lives it in us’. Christ (in effect) says ::: FOLLOW ME ::: TRUST ME ::: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).
The Way (‘VIA’) is (in reality) a Person ::: Jesus the Christ ::: “I am Way Truth Life” (John 14:6) ::: ‘I am’ the ‘archetype / prototype / standard’ for mankind’s ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ ::: “I came that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). So, followers of the Christian ‘WAY OF LIFE’ live out their ‘IDENTITY’ and ‘VALUE’ and ‘AFFIRMATION’ as ‘other’ Christ’s.
John’s Gospel (13:1–!7:26) is the ‘in depth teaching’ on The Way (‘VIA’) ::: The night before He died Jesus gave His last lesson to His apostles ::: He demonstrated – with the washing of the apostles feet – that those who would lead the church must be servants of all ::: and, He explained what the distinguishing marks of the faithful members of His church would be ::: Unconditional Love (John 13:34,35) ::: Obedient Trust ( John 14:1,21) ::: Separation from the World (John 15:18,19).
– in summation –
Faith in Action ::: ‘Open-to-Other’ : that lets the Other ‘Become’ (= #33)
Hope in Action ::: You can’t ‘Be’, until you ‘Become’, what you are (= #33)
Love in Action ::: Value Identity Affirmation : is how to ‘Be’ (= #33)
Daniel ( 8/8/17