This ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) focuses on the ‘message’ and the ‘meaning’ encoded in ‘Konect 1-2-1’ website’s (‘vertical’ / ‘horizontal’) LOGO.
The vertical ‘VIA’ says –
Our “true” Value and Identity is in Christ
The horizontal ‘VIA’ says –
Our “untrue” Value and Identity is in self
Ok, we now glimpse two ‘key’ parameters at play: ‘VALUE’ and ‘IDENTITY’. So, what is significant about these two ‘key’ characteristics? Hopefully, they will help ‘unlock’ some of the mystery in ‘life itself’ as experienced (‘positively’ and ‘negatively’) by mankind (both individually and collectively). Yes, ‘VALUE’ is an ‘esteem’ factor (ranging within ‘inferiority’ to ‘superiority’) and ‘IDENTITY’ is a ‘status’ factor (ranging within ‘insecurity’ to ‘security’).
These are extremely sensitive ‘core issues’ – ‘“APPROVAL”’ and ‘“BELONGING”’ – that ‘touch’ the ‘roots of our being’ and impact – to an extraordinary degree – all our life stories. They ‘mark’ our ‘fault’ / ‘default’ zones. They ‘show-up’ the “fall-out” from “The Fall” (ie our first parents ‘idolatry’).
The ‘stark naked truth’ is – what the vertical ‘VIA’ says above – “true” Value and Identity is (through with in) “Christ” ::: and ::: The ‘stark naked untruth’ is – what the horizontal ‘VIA’ says above – “untrue” Value and Identity is (through with in) “self”. The ‘choice’ appears ‘clear’, but, somehow or other, in the ‘distraction’ of our individual and collective ‘human lives’, the reality of our ‘spiritual lives’ is “IGNORED” and “TAKEN FOR GRANTED”.
Yes, it’s the “hidden” story of all ‘human’ lives – ever since Adam & Eve “hid” in the Garden of Eden – we became “vulnerable” – we became “stuck” – we became “sin”. Our original ‘VALUE’ and ‘IDENTITY’ was with God (our ‘creator’ and ‘incarnator’) – we “walked and talked” with God, in “childlike innocence”. But, ‘now’, we spend our lives – ‘fruitlessly hopelessly wastefully’ – seeking ‘self confirmatory evidence’ of our own (‘vain’) “self esteem” and our own (‘vanity’) “self status”.
We have been ‘caught up’ (‘entangled’) in a 3D ‘“AL’s”’ bind –
“‘Delusional Dysfunctional Diabolical”’
And, what is the ‘outcome’? The ‘small outcome’ is “self”. The ‘big outcome’ is “Christ”. Yes, we “fell” into ‘idolatry’ – we ‘looked to’ other (false) gods to ‘bolster’ our “self–focused-’esteem’-complex” / our “self–focused-’status’-complex”. In sum: we ‘created “hell” for ourselves’ – we ‘sought “self” salvation’ – despite the inherent “limitations” of “self” ‘VIA’ “horizontal-judgemental(comparative)-dualities” – we refused to accept the ‘all-encompassing-God-given-goodness’ of our “unlimited” inheritance in “Christ” ‘VIA’ “vertical-reciprocal(trinitarian)-love”.
Ok, what does all this ‘mean’? what does the Bible have to ‘say’? The foundational ‘paradigm’ is stated as follows ::: “God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Thus, we ‘find’ God’s Will revealed when Jesus the Christ expresses the real ‘DESIRE OF LIFE’, as follows ::: “I tell you most assuredly the Son can do nothing of himself; He can only do what He sees the Father doing and whatever the Father does the Son does, too (John 5:19) ::: “Thus, as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the Son gives life to anyone who chooses” (John 5:21) ::: “Whoever listens to my words and believes in the one who sent Me, has eternal life” (John 5:24) ::: “I do not seek to do My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30).
“Know, human approval means nothing to Me”
“You look to one another to seek approval”
“You ignore approval that comes from God”
(John 5:41:44)
In sum: Jesus the Christ became our ‘“APPROVAL”’ and ‘“BELONGING”’ and – as a consequence – was ‘recognised / acknowledged / welcomed’ in these terms ::: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17 / 2 Peter 1:17).
Note: This Blog – in particular – is a ‘development’ of the ‘themes’ set out in the two previous Blogs (12/2/19 & 11/3/19) and – in general – is a ‘summation’ of all ‘Konect 1-2-1’ exploratory ‘Blogs, Booklets & Banter’.
Daniel ( 10/4/19