This article is a ‘follow-up’ to two previous presentations: ‘God has made ‘PRO’-VISION’ & ‘Embracing God’s ‘PRO’-VISION’.
Now: a ‘key’ question: “WHAT IS?” (simply that) & a ‘key’ answer: “TRINITY IS!” (simply that). You may ask: how are we to translate all that?
In brief (7 words / 33 letters) here is the ‘inside-out’ & the ‘outside-in’ interpretation of “REALITY” (‘hidden in clear view’): “‘God in His action makes Himself present”’: Father (God) + Son (in His action) + Holy Spirit (makes Himself present).
As quoted previously (see: ‘God’s 3 G’s : Gift, Grace, Glory’): “all that exists is God’s gift to man & it all exists to make God known to man & to make man’s life communion with God”. In other words: God makes all Creation the sign & means of His Presence : He is the Life of life : “in Him we live & move & have our being” (Acts 17:28).
You may still persist in asking: what is so significant about those ‘7 words / 33 letters’ (set-out above)? It is this: it is not just God’s action (in general), but, it is God Himself (IN HIS ACTION) who makes Himself known & gives us the ‘3 G’s’ (as above) to commune with Him.
Now, again, you may say: that is all very well, but where do I ‘FIT’ into this picture? Good question, but, keep in mind that ‘FIT’ for Purpose is the sub-title to: The “GLOW” of Happiness eBook (featured on this website). As you will be aware from other articles: ‘FIT’ has been identified with Christian ‘encounter’ ::: Fiat, Incarnation, Trinity (see eBook ‘ADDENDUM’) ::: Flee ….. ; Invoke ….. ; Thank ….. (see ‘24 / 7 Serene Living’). The focus is on “‘RELATIONALITY”’.
Now, for the 3rd time, we have to go deeper, still, to contemplate the mystery of life manifesting “REALITY” & “‘RELATIONALITY”’. What is it telling us? Surely, it is whispering – ever so gently – “God is Love” & our task is to respond to ‘God’s 3 G’s’ (as above) with ‘Our 3 R’s’ (‘Receive God’s Love, Restore God’s Love, Return God’s Love). You may, well, ask: how on earth in heaven’s name are we (humans) to live as Jesus, the Christ, commanded: “Love as I have loved” (John 13:34 & John 15:12)?
It is interesting to learn that, within the early Church, the disciples of Jesus, the Christ, were known as the followers of “The Way” (“VIA”) i.e. the path, the pattern of their Master. Here, simply, they were Adopted, Baptised, Confirmed (in ‘ABC’ mode) into The Christ Life & had, as a consequence, received / realized their “VIA” membership: ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ (as per CCC521).
The Christian story is: we have been ‘created’ by the Father, ‘redeemed’ by the Son & ‘sanctified’ by the Holy Spirit. God (TRINITY) Affirms our Value & Identity. This is the most basic & vital need of every person (man / woman / child). Once we are assured – that we have a ‘Trinitarian Home’ (to go to) & that ‘God Is With Us’ – we are ready to ‘set the whole world on fire’ (as envisaged by St. Catherine of Siena).
In summary: we come from God (our Source): we go to God (our Destiny); we are “image & likeness” (‘other Christ’). That’s ‘The Reality of God’s ‘PRO’-VISION’. So, how do we express “Thy will be done”? The answer is: “on our lips, in our heart”: “Glory and Praise to our God” : “I trust in You” : (10 words / 33 letters). That can’t be hard to ‘re-member’!