Our ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) is near to the ‘heart’ of everyone –
“God’s Family” is the ‘Big Creation Picture’
“God’s Family” (divine / human) is “Divine Will”
“God’s Family” is at the core of “Life Itself”
In the Bible story of Creation : God said “Let us make man in Our image, according Our likeness. So God created man in His own image; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:26,27). Thus, ‘human beings’ are the image and likeness of God.
‘The Our Father’ prayer sets down the ‘UNITY’ principle (ie “Divine Will”) for “God’s Family” – God made ‘PRO’VISION (ie VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’) offering a ‘Relationship with God’ that is ‘truly unique’ : we are called to be “divine” members of “God’s Family” – both ‘individually’ and ‘collectively’ –
The essence of “God’s Family” is ‘COMMUNION’
“God’s Family” is a ‘COMMUNITY’ of ‘COMMUNION’
But, (‘alas’) – due to the “fall out” from The Fall – there is a deep ‘wound’ at the core of “God’s Family” , which is manifesting in “Life Itself” –
‘SIN’ is our withdrawing from “Divine Will”
– ‘SIN’ is our withdrawing from “God’s Family” –
Here (‘in a nutshell’) is the ‘greatest challenge’ in “Life Itself” (including “Divine Will” / “God’s Family” ) – as a consequence of ‘SIN’ – we need to “get to grips with the core ‘UNITY’ issue (per ‘The Our Father’) “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven” –
“Divine Will” exists ‘when-ever’ / ‘where-ever’
– where the ‘Will’ is, there the ‘heart’ is, also –
Now, St Augustine was just like you and me – he, too, was searching for an ‘Answer’ to what ‘God and Humanity’ was all about. In his ‘Confessions’ (‘the story of a soul’) he focuses ‘in on’ “The Mystery of Life” (‘Divine / Human’) Reality. He talked to God – (‘like a child’) – and came to recognise the active presence of God in his life – that God was always close to him, whether he was aware of it or not : “You” were always there – “You” were with me, but I was not with “You” – “You” were within me, but I was outside”. In sum : Augustine states : “You” have made us for yourself O’Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in “You”.
Yes, “Relationality” / “Childlike Reciprocity” is key. This ‘intimacy’ can be expressed (and hopefully understood) by the following paradigm : “as the waves are part of the sea and the sea is all of the waves, we (‘humans’) are part of God and God is all of us”.
God Himself became man and took on ‘human nature’ – making it ‘divine’ by ‘uniting’ it with His own ‘divine nature’ – “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Here’s the “catch” (Luke 5:4) : in order for ‘human beings’ to walk the road to ‘UNITY’ with God ‘he and she’ must totally, freely and with ‘whole heart’ (ie ‘Will’) say “Yes” to God (ie ‘do good’) and say “No” to the ‘world’ (ie ‘avoid evil’) –
‘It Is About Living Real “Divine Will” Life
– “God’s Family” ABC : Affirm Bless Celebrate –
(per this website’s frontpage)
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 10/3/20