Here you have (in a #33 message) ‘the deepest mystery of your life’ ::: and my
task (from here on) – under this significant ‘title theme’ – is to provide its meaning, relevance and purpose. (Note: #33 messages have a separate segment under the CELEBRATE button of this ‘Konect 1-2-1’ website).
So, to ‘get off to a good start’ let’s recall St. Augustine’s ‘PRO’FOUND statement about the ‘reality of life’ ::: ‘You have made us for yourself, O ‘Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’. (Note: ‘PRO’FOUND is ‘short’ for : FOUND ‘Perfect Relational Order’).
Now, as we progress, it is vital for your ‘love life’ that you are aware that God is – all the time (i.e. 24/7) – trying to catch your attention in the opportunities of every moment (as they unfold in the routines of each day). God’s Love ‘generates life’ ::: creation (His ‘playground’) and creatures (His ‘children’). This ‘pen picture’ is captured beautifully (by Alexander Schmemann : ‘For the Life of the World’), as follows ::: ‘all that exists is God’s gift to man, and it all exists to make God known to man, and to make man’s life communion with God’.
Now (again), let all of us bring our ‘minds and hearts’ into our Christmas ‘seasonal’ remembrance – “Joy to the world! The Lord is come” – and, let’s meet Jesus the Christ :
See the child Jesus, says Mary His Mother (= #33)
He is the Christ : come to Him : stay with Him (= #33)
When Jesus stepped out into the public arena, John the Baptist declared : “Behold!
the Lamb of God” ::: and two of his disciples followed Jesus, who turned towards them and asked ::: “what do you seek?” and they replied ::: “where do you live?” and Jesus replied ::: “Come and see” and “they stayed with Him the rest of the day” (John 1:36-39). Here, in brief biblical language, is revealed how ‘living faith in Christ results in Life’. Note: Jesus the Christ summarised His mission with these words ::: “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
The greatest “invite” ever offered – in the world – was issued by Jesus the Christ ::: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
“Ok”, you might say, that’s all very well, “but how does all this connect with my life?” Well, I’m going to offer you a simple test. Which of these two contrasting profiles fits your (everyday) LIFE? ::: ‘Loved Inspired Fulfilled Engaged’ /// ‘Lonely Insecure Frustrated Exploited’ (see eBook A “new” U on ‘Konect 1-2-1’). The core issue is ‘RELATIONALITY’ (as defined in our VISION statement) and at its ‘heart’ is one’s personal perception of one’s own (social / spiritual) ‘value and identity’. Note: our ‘hand out’ card seeks to provide focus ::: by ‘asking’ ::: WHERE ARE YOU? ::: and, by ‘answering’ ::: ‘Happy are those who recognise they are LOST and realise they are FOUND ::: We joyfully discover ‘WHERE WE ARE’ when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. social) and our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. spiritual) CROSS each other and are reconciled. Note: for further explanation (to avoid repetition) I humbly suggest you turn to the wide variety of Blogs, under the BLESS button.
Finally: to pull all this together, I want you to concentrate on the ‘key’ to the reality of LIFE, that is ::: The Trinity ::: ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’ ::: ‘The Love, that Loves, to Love’ ::: ‘God in His action makes Himself present’ ::: ‘LIFE : Reciprocal, Mutual, Complementary’. This is how LIFE “works” ::: God “made” ‘PRO’VISION (i.e. VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’). All you have to “do” is “be who you are” – ‘a truly unique child of God’ – and ‘PARTAKE’ (i.e. ‘Receive / Restore / Return’) in God’s LOVE (i.e. ‘Gift / Grace / Glory’). Note: when we take the ‘DESIRES OF OUR HEARTS’ to the CROSS (to reconcile the ‘horizontal’ with the ‘vertical’) we are not denying them, but we are placing them into God’s hands, where they are transformed into (only) what LOVE can “do”.
Daniel ( 4/12/17