“RE-MEMBER-ME” (make me a “member” again)
What an encounter! What a request!
The drama of life is being played-out on stage, at Calvary. The Passion, Death & Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is in full flow. The whole world is looking-on.
The scene is set. We are at the inter-section of act one & two. The curtain (of life) is about to be pulled. Three lonely figures are impaled on crosses. There are no escape routes, on offer.
It’s time for last words. Unbelievable as it may seem, one victim is there by choice. He is Jesus, the Christ, sent by the Father, to rescue His way-ward children from ‘self’ destruction. The other two victims are there, in utter reluctance, to receive their criminal punishments.
Jesus has steadfast focus on the Father. But, in this dire situation, what are the other two thinking about? As is optional: one is ‘cursing his lack’: one is ‘blessing his luck’: one can only see ‘a fight to the finish’ to hold-on to ‘self’: one can see ‘a glimmer of hope’ to let go of ‘self’.
When we play the ‘self’ game, we are on our own. It may seem ‘safe & secure’, but it’s a lonely place. The reality of ‘independent’ life is: there is no one around, when needed, to hear desperate SOS calls. In contrast, if we live in ‘relationship’, there are friends around to call-on, when we need help.
How might we sum-up all the above? Let’s leave the last word to Jesus: “When I am lifted-up I will ‘DRAW’ all people to myself” (John 12:32).
Here are your “MEMBER” rules –
‘D’ = ‘Die to self’ i.e. “bear your cross”, every day.
‘R’ = ‘Recognise Jesus’ by calling-out His name, every day.
‘A’ = ‘Acknowledge Jesus’ by reaching-out to Him, every day.
‘W’ = ‘Welcome Jesus’ by enjoying His company, every day.