Our ‘title theme’ thesis (in #33 mode) is : how ‘PEOPLE’ look at “Life Itself” is how ‘PEOPLE’ see “Life Itself”. That may not appear to be a ‘big deal’, but – ‘truth to tell’ – it “really, really, really” is a ‘big deal’.
‘Believe it or not’ : it all depends on ‘Attitude Behaviour Comprehension’ (‘ABC’) – how the WORLD’S ‘two letter inhabitants’ – “ME” and “WE” – look ‘OUT’ at “Life Itself” (= ‘perspective’) and see ‘IN’ to “Life Itself” (= ’perception’). In simple terms – IF one looks “positive”, one sees “positive” – IF one looks “negative”, one sees “negative”.
NOW, since ‘mankind’ is a ‘unique creation’ – made in the “image and likeness of God” (Genesis 1:27) – there’s a God factor, also, to be ‘addressed’ in our ‘PEOPLE / WORLD’ affairs. What this means – in terms of “LIfe Itself” – is : there is more, at play, than “dualities” / there are “Trinity” relationships, too – for God said, “Let Us” make man in “Our” image and likeness – “Trinity” being “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”.
The ‘perfect’ view of “Life Itself” – 2020 VISION – would ‘look’ and ‘see’ in terms of a “Divine / Human” manifestation and NOT in terms of “human / divine” institution. “WE” and “ME” are, in reality, ‘spiritual beings seeking to be human’ / NOT just ‘human beings trying to be spiritual’.
‘Ever-since’ the “The Fall” of Adam and Eve the ‘HUMAN RACE’ has been struggling to survive in ‘DYSFUNCTIONAL’ mode. Most ‘observers / beholders’ would ‘perceive’ our ‘HUMAN / WORLD’ AFFAIRS as ‘LOST’. Few ‘observers / beholders’ would ‘perceive’ our ‘HUMAN / WORLD’ AFFAIRS as ‘FOUND’. The clear ‘perspective’ IS : “ME” and “WE” are ‘missing-out’ on God’s ‘PRO’VISION (ie God’s VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’).
In summation : “The Fall Out Con (‘trick’)” instigated and perpetuated by the “Father of Lies / Lucifer / The Evil One” has “SEPARATED” and “ISOLATED” mankind – from God (“Source / Resource” : “Gift / Grace / Glory”) – from Jesus the Christ, who said : “is it not written in your law, I said, you are gods and all of you are children of the Most High” (Psalm 82:5-6 / John 10:34).
Yes, we live in an ‘up-side-down’ WORLD – where, even, the ‘HUMAN’ “ME” is “WE” ‘up-side-down’. So, it’s about TIME, God’s People awoke from sleep and opened our eyes to feast ‘IN’ God’s WORLD and participate ‘IN’ “Life Itself” as “God’s Family”.
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 5/8/20