Our ‘title theme’ (as usual, in #33 mode) would appear to ‘sum up’ the particular ‘Bad News’ of our current Coronavirus (epidemic) times. But – “wait a minute” – hasn’t that been the ‘human condition’ since “The Fall of Adam and Eve” (ie our ‘Existential Separation from God’) – we felt “naked” (ie without ‘protective gear’ / without “the hand of God”) and went into “hiding”.
What all this means is : our ‘title theme’ – take a look at it again – could be restated as –
“I”solution and “I”solution and “I”solution
Yes, in ‘deed’ and in ‘practice’, that – ‘in a nutshell’ – is the “idealised possibility perspective” (ie man made ‘Good News’) of our “default” (ie ‘automatic response’) ‘human condition’ / ‘human history’ – since Adam and Eve decided they wanted to “do their own thing” and “be on their own” (ie “Separated from God”).
Can we not “see” that The Father of Lies” (ie ‘the evil one’) – who rebelled against God and was “cast down from heaven to earth” – NOW continues his ‘spiral of dis-obedience’ to God’s ‘PRO’VISION (ie VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’) – prompting the descendants of Adam and Eve (ie ‘the whole human race’) to ‘follow’ his ‘fatal flaw’ / his ‘pride-full-individualism ’ – to “carry on” with the ‘pie in the sky’ “dream” of our very own ‘selfish independence’.
So, “where” – you may ask – is all this ‘insight’ leading? It’s NOW time to “wake from sleep” (ie time to “see the wood from the trees” in our ‘Garden of Eden’). It raises ‘key’ questions : such as that ‘first pivotal’ question addressed to Jesus the Christ : “Where do you Live ?” (John 1:35-39) – and, the ‘last crucial’ question facing ‘each and every human being’ : “Where do you want to live?”
Let’s recap : ‘Separation’ – ‘Isolation’ – “I”solution (ie the continuing “fall out” from “The Fall”). The question is : are we NOW ‘sick and tired’ of all this “Fake False Fiction” Freedom? Truly and sadly, we “fell hook line and sinker” for a ‘devilish lie’. We NOW need a St Augustine type “awakening” to reconnect to the ‘truth of our being’ : “You made us for yourself O’Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in You”. Yes – we have ‘tasted’ “free fall” with no “freedom” at all – we have ‘imprisoned’ ourselves with a ‘fore–taste’ of hell – we ‘sorely’ miss “divine / human communion”.
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 6/7/20