Have you ever questioned “your” every day ‘mode-of-being’? I’m referencing the particular ‘values-in-life’ which “you” manifest: which “tell” (the world) who you are as a person & how you have been ‘formed / moulded / programmed’: ‘Adapted-in’ / ‘Belong-to’ / ‘Conditioned-by’: (i.e. the childhood ABC’s you still carry around with you).
Did you ever ask “yourself” – when you ‘stopped to think’ – “where am I?” or “what is the meaning of my life?” This search for ‘identification’ / ‘direction’ can give rise to a significant awakening. You may feel ‘scared’, or you may feel ‘serene’, but, one way or another, the experience will turn-out to be, at minimum, a ‘stuck-second’ (in time) or, at maximum, a ‘move-moment’ (in eternity).
There you have it – the context for the (above) ‘title / theme’ – the story of a life portrayed in ‘ponderings’. This ‘paradoxical puzzle’ was originally going to be presented in abstract terms, but after a bit of soul searching, I decided to ‘Be’ a little more personal. As a result the HOPE message – which I can ‘vouch for’- is: “Happy are those who recognize they are LOST (in themselves) & realize they are FOUND (in Jesus, The Christ)”.
My ‘child-teen’ memory is one of ‘being stuffed with’ religion, but, with very little understanding of doctrine (in terms of relevance to ordinary life). In essence, I was ‘filled-up’, but not ‘opened-up’. I guess, this is part of the story of our ‘all-too-human’ situations / encounters – our ‘fall from grace’.
Hence, as my life ‘tottered’ along, I continued “asking, seeking, knocking” (as per Matthew 7:7 & Luke 11:9): WHAT IS: “what seems to be”? : WHAT IS: “reality’? The answers that, eventually, enlightened my understanding formed the ‘minimum’ content of the Booklet / eBook: The “GLOW” of Happiness / “FIT” for Purpose. Having ‘off-loaded’ my “talking-to-myself”, in this fashion, I was confronted with the challenge of ‘explaining myself’ in a more ‘maximum’ way. As a result, this website (‘Konect 1-2-1’) was born.
The LOST / FOUND conundrum touches all our lives. It, in fact, impacts the very core of our existence, as is portrayed in the Scripture teaching about the “wise” man who “built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). The message is clear: only Jesus, The Christ, offers true personal security in the world.
In summary: we joyfully discover ‘WHERE WE ARE’ when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. Social) & our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. Spiritual) CROSS each other & are reconciled.
ADDENDUM: re ‘online / mobile’ concept –
You may well ask: what does all that ‘stuff’ at the top of the Front Page stand for?
The ‘moving’ cloud (top left) offers a simple image of our three “modes of being”: Single (“1” or “0”) / where we exist or don’t exist: Social (“+” or “-”) / where we relate or don’t relate: Spiritual (“x” or “÷”) / where we transcend or not our human nature (in terms of virtue / vice).
The banner (top right) expresses St. Catherine of Siena’s VISION for each & every person: “Be on Fire”: “Be who God meant you to Be”. It is to be noted that St. Catherine started her mystical journey from a ‘down to earth’ insight – given to her by God – which put her (& all who aspire to follow her) immediately into ‘humble mode’: “you are nothing (no-thing): I am everything (every-thing)”.
The website title: ‘Konect 1-2-1’: is all about ‘creating connectivity’. It seeks to share The Good News: (i.e.): we (you, me & the rest of us) have been rescued from all our human distress: Jesus, The Christ (“Way, Truth, Life”) offers a ‘central’ paradigm for “living life to the full” i.e. LOVE. This ‘code of practice’ is expressed reciprocally: ‘to receive an other is to give oneself’ : ‘to give oneself is to receive an other’.
Finally: The website vision statement speaks of our innate ‘“RELATIONALITY’”.The mystery of life reveals a Creator (God) with ‘impossible dream’ & Creatures (God’s gifts) with ‘possible reality’. All we have to “do” is “WELCOME” God into our lives: “IN OUR HEARTS” / “ON OUR LIPS”.