‘accept yourself & give yourself’
We may be ‘ALONE’ (in an ‘external’ sense) when we ‘arrive’ in the world, but, let’s not forget, that we carry, at the same time, a special GIFT (in a ‘internal’ sense). This is our own, very special, ‘one-off’ / ‘one-of-a-kind’ UNIQUENESS:
there never will be
anyone else like you’
This real / original endowment has been created for your ‘walk-on-role’ on the world stage. God has, in fact, put a priceless value on your life, since you are irreplaceable.
‘Be who God meant you to Be’
(or, in the words of St. Catherine of Siena)
“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire”.
God scatters ‘seeds’ all over the world & has planted in you (personally) a singular / specific seed, which you have to search for & ‘take-charge-of’: by-way-of:
What you are seeking is your ‘hidden treasure’ (Matthew 13:44) &, like the person in the Gospel, you have to personally engage & commit yourself to a three stage process: “find” / “sell” / “buy”. This means carrying-out an intensive, on-going discovery (‘digging’) procedure. If, & when, you “find” your particular treasure, you will ‘BE-COME’ so full of joy that you will “sell” (i.e. ‘get-rid-of’) everything else & “buy” into your own ‘gold-mine’.
However, don’t let all this ‘good-fortune’ go to ‘your-head’ alone or to ‘your-heart’ alone or into the work of ‘your-hands’ alone. God’s mystery of creation is Trinitarian. You have to be aware of the relevance / implications of this, too. You, too, are, also, a trinity. The complete “you”: i.e. head, heart & hands: is needed if you are to ‘play’ your full part in the Body of Christ.
Don’t ever forget: ‘you are not a human being trying to be spiritual’: ‘you are a spiritual being trying to be human’. Trinity ‘mode’ is in essence relational: i.e. reciprocal / mutual / complementary. At the end of the day, all you are asked: is to ‘Be’ that UNIQUE person (you were designed to ‘Be’) in the ‘family-of-God’ / Kingdom of God. Consequently, to ‘play’ that part you have to –
‘the real deal’
child of God.