Here – ‘title theme’ wise – is a #33 explanation of our LOST / FOUND conundrum ::: ‘Happy are those who ‘recognise’ they are LOST and ‘realise’ they are FOUND’.
Yes, this ‘Big Picture’ perspective on LIFE was expressed eloquently by St. Patrick, St. Brigid and St. Colmcille, back in the 5th and 6th century (see: under AFFIRM / Formation / Patron Saints of Ireland). They, too, were pondering ‘Big Questions’.
In LOST mode we are “stuck” (‘baffled / beaten / bogged down’), but, in FOUND mode we are “free” (‘not anchored / not burdened / not constrained’). So, what is the ‘Big Secret’? As diagnosed (particularly), in recent Blogs, we have to “learn the hard way” that “all things in life are three dimensional” ::: God (i.e. Trinity) is the ‘Big Answer’. So, “how on earth in heaven’s name” are we to “lay hold of” Trinitarian ‘modus operandi’ (‘action’) and Trinitarian ‘modus vivendi’ (‘living’)?
Are you ready? The ‘simple solution’ is ::: “Let the Lord enter! He is the King of Glory” (= #33) ::: “The Lord’s the earth and its fullness, the world and all its peoples. It is He who set it on the seas; on the waters He made it firm. Who shall climb the mountain of the lord? Who shall stand in His holy place? The man with clean hands and pure heart, who desires not worthless things. He shall receive blessings from the Lord and reward from the God who saves him. Such are the men who seek Him, seek the face of the God of Jacob” (Psalm 24:1-6).
Ok, you might say : that’s all very well, BUT, what am I to “do”? And, my answer, as usual, is ::: “do” nothing! Stand back, for a while, and ‘ponder ’::: WHY you are, WHERE you are? The ‘answer’, surely, is : you tried to “do” everything (in LIFE) all by your ‘own self’, and, look WHERE that got you!. So, here’s your CHOICE ::: are you ready to “OPEN UP” to “NEW” possibilities? ::: WHERE you ‘learn’ to become CHILDLIKE ::: WHERE you ‘identify’ with Jesus the Christ ::: WHERE you ‘manifest’ as ‘an other’ Christ in “‘TWIST’” mode ::: ‘Through (Him) With (Him) In (Him) Separation Trans-ended’. Note: “‘TWIST’” is an ‘acronym’ (i.e. ‘short for several words, using their first letters).
As you can see, the WHERE ‘connectivity’ matters. It was the “Biggie” posed to Jesus the Christ by followers of John the Baptist ::: “WHERE do you LIVE”? And, ‘note’ the “Smallie” offered in response ::: “Come and see”. So, TOO, the WHERE question is relevant to each and all of us ::: WHERE ARE YOU? And, the WHERE answer we (all) need to ‘get to grips with’ is ::: “We joyfully discover WHERE WE ARE when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. social) and our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. spiritual) CROSS each other and are reconciled”.
“Be” awake ::: “Be” aware ::: “Be” alert ::: God’s Creation (i.e. ‘playground’) and God’s Creatures (i.e. ‘children’) is WHERE God’s ACTION is. And, so, WHAT ‘really, really, really’ matters, Is ::: “WHAT IS GOD DOING”? ::: This is WHAT Mary pondered ::: This is the ONLY reality In LIFE ::: everything else (‘Apart from God’) is MEANINGLESS ::: “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” ::: “What does it profit a man from all his work”? (Ecclesiastes 1:2,3). In sum: everything in this world is ‘without enduring value’ and leads to ‘agony / boredom / confusion / disappointment / exasperation’. However, if we ‘partake’ of the “Truth of LIFE” as ‘offered / manifested’ by Jesus the Christ – “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10) – we are ‘enabled’ to ‘live a LIFE of JOY and PEACE’.
A ‘Big Parable’ in the Bible (Luke 15:11-32) is how the Prodigal Son ‘came to his senses’ and ‘returned home’. As the story goes, he eventually came to a ‘realisation’ that brought him back to WHERE he started and ‘understood’ LIFE for the first time.
Yes, truly, before ‘The Fall’ mankind “walked with God”, but, after ‘The Fall’ mankind “went into hiding”. Hence, the “visible angst” of our ‘human condition’. BUT, we are not “ALONE” ::: The REALITY of LIFE is ::: ‘God is closer to us than we are to ourselves’ (as per Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas) ::: “In God we live and move and have our being” (as per Saint Paul) ::: Yes, indeed, “we are like fish swimming in an ocean of Divine Love” ::: Ponder ::: Ponder ::: Ponder.
Daniel ( 11/4/18