I’m going to let you ‘in on’ a little secret: this title / theme correlates with that of the preceding article (entitled): ‘WHERE’. In fact, I’ll go a little further: I’ll give you a new formulation: ‘Where: a Place in God’s Presence and Power’. Note: the 3”P” words / “33” (total) to help you remember. So, now – at last – we are ready to ‘go’ pondering.
As we stated previously: ‘WHERE’ seems to have unique significance: “Where are you?” / “Where do you live?”. ‘WHERE’ – I suggest – brings us to: ‘the heart of the matter / the matter of the heart’. This is Bible territory ::: “Come to Me” (Matthew 11:28) ::: “I came that you may have life & have it to the full” (John 10:10) ::: “Love as I have loved you” (John 13:34 & 15:12). Note: these ‘occurrences’ – in everyday life – are more about “being” & less about “doing” / more about “partaking” & less about “performing”. We are ‘invited / enticed / drawn’ to ::: ‘Where the Action is’ ::: ‘A Place in God’s Presence & Power’.
Let us briefly review the ‘makings’ of our ‘social / spiritual’ disconnect. Lucifer’s ‘light lineage’ – “I will not obey” – affects us all. It became ‘manifest’ in Adam & Eve’s ‘attitude / behaviour / conduct’ – in their ‘fall’ from grace – & (as a consequence) has become our human inheritance (as ‘en-fleshed’ beings). So, we ‘ended-up’ – ‘upside-down’ – as ‘human beings trying to be spiritual’ instead of ‘spiritual beings seeking to be human’. This – ‘un-holy mess’ – was ‘portrayed’ in the recent article: ‘Battered Image’ / ‘Sure Hope’. But – as set out – all was not LOST – we have been FOUND.
The foundational Booklet / eBook: The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose (which can be located under the VISION button) describes our ‘problem’ / ‘opportunity’ in terms of ::: LOST status (‘Abandoned Betrayed Condemned’) ::: FOUND status (‘Affirmed Blessed Celebrated’). Note there, also – without the need to repeat here – the implications set-out in the addendum, under: ‘switched-off’ & ‘switched-on’ emotions.
These website articles – which ‘continue the Booklet / eBook story’ – have drawn attention to a ‘modern-day’ developmental dilemma ‘identified’ as the “IT” umbrella ::: on the one hand: “Information Technology” pursuing the “tree of knowledge of good & evil” ::: on the other hand: “Incarnation Trinity” offering ‘new birth’ & ‘life in the spirit’.
Now, you may well ask: ‘WHERE’ are all these ‘scenarios’ taking us? As we have indicated – in previous articles – “Information Technology” lays great ‘value’ on ‘Big Data’, which it ‘hoovers-up’ from ‘all & sundry’ on a 24/7 continuum. These questions may be asked ::: where is the ‘information’ lost in ‘data’? ::: where is the ‘knowledge’ lost in ’information’? ::: where is the ‘wisdom’ lost in ‘knowledge’? In other words: “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world & suffers the loss of his soul?” (Matthew 16:26 & Mark 8:36). So, then: ‘where to’ with “Incarnation Trinity”? ‘Here is where’ we have our ‘Sure Hope’: the answer to our ‘cry for help’ as set-out in Psalm 85:6: “Will You not restore again our life, that Your people may rejoice in You?”.
In review: we are addressing the ‘context’: “If we weren’t DIS-FUNCTIONAL we wouldn’t be NORMAL” & exploring the ‘area’ (place): ‘social / spiritual’ DIS-CONNECT. And ‘here is where’ Jesus the Christ offers a “shocking” assessment of our predicament: “Unless one is born of water & the Spirit one cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5) ::: “that which is born of the flesh is flesh & that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6) ::: “You must be born again” (John 3:7). In essence: the diagnosis is: we need ‘new birth’ & ‘life in the spirit’ to make us fully human again. What Jesus the Christ is saying is: we need an ‘inside solution’, since ‘the heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart’.
The one thing needed to ‘change the world’ is ‘changed men & women’. We need to be ‘born from above’, so that we ‘become’ fully ‘alive in the spirit’. We are saved – not by what we do or don’t do – but by “who” we ‘become’. St. Paul sets this out in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; & the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me & gave Himself for me”. Thus: the mystery of the “Incarnation Trinity” is ::: God ‘became’ human (in Jesus the Christ) so that humans might ‘become’ godly (in the Holy Spirit) ::: ‘partaking and sharing: divine life / love’.
In Summary: ‘Each person is to become an ‘other’ Christ’.