What a challenging ‘title / theme’! You might, well, ask: “where on earth, in heaven’s name, could one realise such a proposition?”
Let us, instantly, acknowledge: “this is a $64k question”, but – wait a moment – there is an amazing offer ‘out there’ in this regard! I draw your attention to the ‘back page cover’ of the Booklet / eBook: The “GLOW” of Happiness / “FIT” for Purpose. There you will find: ‘A life-giving Invitation!’: “Come to Me all you who labour & are over-burdened & I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Jesus came on earth to model: 24/7 ‘SERENE’ LIVING! He asks each of us to take Him at His Word. He not only showed us ‘how to live’, but, as the risen Christ: ‘He enables us to live in Him all that He Himself lived & He lives it in us’ (CCC 521).
So – if you entertain a ‘passion for the possible’ – here is a PROGRAM you might: ‘engage, encode & enact’ in ‘everyday-life’.
(1) 24/7: (the NOW element)
The encounter with Jesus, the Christ, is always in the NOW. So, how does one ‘tune-in’? Be aware that: it’s only in the ‘present moment’ that God & the soul can meet & bless each other & “play” ( in intimate communion).
(2) SERENE: (the VISION element)
We seek to discover the ‘peaceful vocation’ God has for our life: ‘Be who God meant “you” to Be’. God gives each person ‘unique gifts’, with which to “GLOW” i.e. to radiate: Goodness, Lovableness, Openness, Worthwhileness.
(3) LIVING: (the PRACTICE element)
The ‘invite’: “Come to Me”: offers perfect “FIT” (as follows):
Flee to God always –
“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a miserable sinner”.
Invoke God’s help constantly –
“Lord Jesus Christ, come in glory, into all situations, now & forever”.
Thank God in everything –
“Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you, we praise you, we adore you; we hope in you, we trust in you & we love you, Lord Jesus; give us grace, Lord, the fulness of grace like Mary & Joseph, to live the sanctity of your divine will, today & forever”.
ADDENDUM: ‘everyday life as practice’
* The first question that arises is: what does 24/7 ‘SERENE’ LIVING mean? It stands for: being ‘cool, calm, & collected’ in Attitude / Behaviour / Composure (i.e. your basic ABC’s).
* The next consideration that calls for attention is: are you, somehow, “stuck”? / do you feel “LOW”? (Love’less / Open’less / Worth’less). For a review of these symptoms: see recent Articles, including: “Feeling sorry for yourself?”
* Now, if you realise your life is full of ‘garbage / rubbish / trash’ (or, in ‘IT’ terms: full of ‘spam / sham / scam) – metaphorically speaking – you need to ‘de-toxify’ i.e. remove the poisonous ‘fault(s) / default(s). Note: our ‘deep down difficulties’ are in the realm of our ‘darkened understanding, weakened will & a strong inclination to evil’.
* So, what’s the message? There is a point where reality ‘hits home’, as we ‘learn the hard way’: to ‘cop-on’, to ‘cop-out’ & to cope. In other words: “we come to our senses” like the Prodigal son/daughter. We ‘see’ that our existing ‘way of life’ is a mess & that our problems are beyond our human capacity / capability. We need to be rescued from our very own “self”, which has, somehow, enslaved us.
* And, what’s the answer? It’s incorporated in the first prayer, entitled: ‘Flee to God always’. This plea for mercy needs to be ‘first & foremost’ in our daily lives – morning, noon & night – & ‘turned to’ in ‘all dangers, temptations & afflictions’. When we recognise & acknowledge our ‘pig-sty’ situation – a la Prodigal – our ‘old’ PRIDE is ready to take a ‘hit’ & our ‘new’ HUMILITY brings us ‘down to earth’.
* It’s important to understand that the other two Prayers: ‘Invoke God’s help’ & ‘Thank God’: are equally important to a life of ‘SERENITY’. They are focused on ‘communion in the Body of Christ’, whereby we “gather-to-gether-unto-Him”. Note: Each of the three Prayers has it’s own particular emphasis &, as such, can engage & hold one’s attention – almost exclusively – as needs be.
* Finally, you will need to ‘en-code’ these Prayers – into your heart & mind – by continuous repetition – so that they become ‘en-tuned’ in the routine of your ‘everyday’ life: automatically (i.e. in 24/7 mode). And, if you follow these instructions: God will surely / assuredly bless you with a ‘SERENE’ life.