This is a rather challenging title / theme. It is addressed to each one of us. So, how do you ‘see’ yourself?
To give you a reference point – as to what I am ‘on about’ – I draw your attention to article: God has made ‘PRO’-VISION : where I have Jesus, the Christ ‘PRO’-CLAIMING: ‘unless you become childlike you can’t ‘PLAY’. In summary: the focus is on our personal ‘mode of being’ (our unique human incarnation).
To give context to this ‘pen-picture’ I am going to sketch an ‘ABC’ horizon view of ‘Creator / Creature / Creation’. Are you ready? Fasten your ‘seat belts’, as we journey down highway ‘i.e.’ (imagination / expectation).
Our ‘A’ hypothesis is: ‘Creator is all Affirmation’:
We attribute to God various titles, like: Creator / Father / Maker / Originator / Source. He is supreme & manifests in Trinitarian mode (Father / Son / Holy Spirit).
We accredit to God profound Love (see article: God’s “3 G’s”). We recognize all that exists, as God’s Gift / we acknowledge all that subsists, as God’s Grace / we welcome all that consists, as God’s Glory.
Translating all that into ‘heart to heart’ language, we can say: God takes care of our ‘human / divine’ lives in an ‘affirmative’ way (see, also: three articles on God’s ‘PRO’-VISION).
Our ‘B’ conjecture is: ‘Creature is all Blockade’:
The significance of the word ‘blockade’ is that – in this ‘mode of being’ – ‘entrance & exit’ seems to be cut-off. We are “stuck”.
We become aware of our ‘weakness & incapacity’ as human beings. Learning this ‘limitation-lesson’ may take an ‘instant’ or a ‘lifetime’.
So, where can we turn? The ‘escape-hatch’ is: ‘all problems are psychological & all solutions are spiritual’; or, as is stated – in so many other articles – “with ‘3 in 1’ you can’t go wrong”.
Our ‘C’ propositions is: ‘Creation is all Connectivity’:
God (Trinity) has not left us ‘floating alone in space’. All that ‘exists / subsists / consists’ gives evidence of ‘connectivity’ (‘connect-activity’): “ For in Him we live & move & have our being” (Acts 17:28).
We are all God’s children. We are made in His image & likeness. We are spiritual beings manifesting as human beings. We are brothers & sisters of Jesus, the Christ.
So, an invitation is on offer to each & everyone of us: “Come out to ‘PLAY’. This ‘invitation’ is formulated within the realms of the Booklet / eBook: The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose & ‘follow-on’ articles on this website: Konect 1-2-1.
In summary: The ‘abundant’ life is for the ‘Young at Heart’. We join together: in “God’s Name” / in “God’s Kingdom” / in “God’s Will”. We celebrate – in ‘PLAY’ mode – God’s ‘Goodness’ & our ‘Gratefulness’.