This ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) seeks to touch ‘the heart of the matter’, which is, ‘the matter of the heart’. Yes, as we have quoted here, so often, Saint Augustine, ‘hits the nail on the head’ ::: “You have made us for Yourself, O ‘Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You”.
So, what are we talking about? Well, ‘true-bonding’ is ‘trinitarian’ (Body Soul Spirit) and ‘false-bonding’ is ‘dualistic’ (Body Soul). This distinction cuts to the core of ‘our being’ / ‘our humanity’ / ‘our relationality’. Yes (again), the ‘kernel / essence / nucleus’ of LIFE is ‘trinomial’, not ‘binomial’. In sum: ‘true-bonding’ (i.e. ‘relational context’) offers “freedom”, but, ‘false-bonding’ (i.e, ‘relational content’) offers “feardom”.
Ok, you say: “I still do not know what you are getting at”. Well (again), we’re focusing (as always) on the ‘mode of living’ (“If we weren’t dysfunctional we wouldn’t be normal”) and “exploring the ‘social / spiritual’ disconnect” in LIFE. These were the ‘baseline parameters’ in our original eBook (The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose). And, now, we’re seeking to “make sense” of the underlying “bond” paradox in LIFE ::: ‘bonding’ (i.e. putting ‘relational context’ before ‘relational content’) / ‘bondage’ (i.e. putting ‘relational content’ before ‘relational context’).
As per this ‘Konect 1-2-1’ website’s VISION statement “‘RELATIONALITY’” is at the centre of LIFE. And, if “‘RELATIONALITY’” is not on a ‘sound’ base (i.e. “as sound as a bell”, meaning: ‘right / true / good’), then it is – by DEFAULT – on an ‘unsound’ base (i.e. “it is like a cracked bell”, meaning: ‘wrong / false / bad’). And, therein lies mankind’s Bad News (the fallout from Adam and Eve’s Fall) and, also, mankind’s Good News (God’s rescue plan via Jesus the Christ).
Be aware: ‘The Big Picture’ ( – “to get perspective” – ) is ‘seven-fold perfection’ ::: 3 G’s (Gift Grace Glory) plus 1CROSS plus 3 R’s (Receive Restore Return). It was on the CROSS, at Calvary, that God, in Christ, dealt fully and finally with ‘SELF’, the ‘human condition’ from which all our sins flow. Note: This is a “done deal” ::: all we have to “do” is ::: ‘Accept Believe Consent’ (‘ABC’) ::: become “partakers” on the CROSS (with Jesus the Christ, as per CCC 521, which says: ‘Christ enables us to live in Him, all that He Himself lived, and He lives it in us’). Hence, we “move” from ‘old’ (‘horizontal’ / ‘secular’) LIFE to ‘new’ (‘vertical’ / ‘spiritual’) LIFE. Note, again: it takes the ‘cross hairs’ of the CROSS (i.e. the intersection of the ‘horizontal’ and the ‘vertical’) to achieve ‘perfect’ AIM in LIFE (and that’s what Christianity is all about). Note, again and again: we’re not ‘on about’ “digging down” (into all your PROBLEMS), but, we are ‘on about’ “lifting you up” (into the – ‘one and only’ – SOLUTION i.e. Jesus the Christ).
The really critical transition period in LIFE is our ‘birth-time-experience’. As stated (already) we are ‘trinitarian’ beings. We “arrive” into the world (as ‘imaged’ in other Blogs) like a ‘piece of luggage’ on an airport carousel. We “appear” as a Singular ‘package’ (i.e. Body), but, quickly “announce our presence” as a Social ‘package’, also, (i.e. Body and Soul) and “await” our “acceptance into our family” or our “rejection from our family”. The Christian “follow-on” is our Spiritual ‘Baptism’ (i.e. Body and Soul and Spirit). The three “births” (Single Social Spiritual) are about “recognising / acknowledging / welcoming” (i.e. AFFIRMING) our unique personal status (i.e. VALUE and IDENTITY) as “incarnate trinity” people.
If we are “given” the “trinitarian treatment” (as set out) we have passed the ‘true-bonding’ test. But, if we have “fallen by the wayside” (i.e. rejected in terms of our ‘social / spiritual’ needs) we (automatically) DEFAULT into ‘false-bonding’ (i.e. “social / spiritual” disconnect / dysfunctionality). In sum: ‘true bonding’ is manifesting ‘true God (i.e. Trinity) likeness’ and ‘false bonding’ is enslavement to ‘false gods (i.e single / dual) likenesses’. In the latter “fall out” scenario, the resulting ‘disconnect’ and ‘disharmony’ leads to “substitute attachments” (e.g. drink / drugs etc.).
Finally: ‘The Big Question’ is ::: WHERE ARE YOU? And, ‘The Big Answer’ is :::
‘Happy are those who recognise they are LOST and realise they are FOUND’ ::: ‘We
discover WHERE WE ARE when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. social) and our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. spiritual) CROSS each other and are reconciled.
Daniel ( 13/2/18