This ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) touches the ‘nitty-gritty’ of Life itself. What it seeks to implant (in ‘mind, heart and soul’) is ::: “everyday life” in itself is your reality (= #33) – whether or not you accept the ‘challenge’ ::: “everyday life” in itself is ‘VIA’ practice (= #33) – whether or not you accept the ‘opportunity’.
So, what are we ‘on’ about? Obviously, the ‘Core Christian Concept’ is ::: The ‘VIA’ Way. And, here (again) we continue to draw attention to this website’s ‘reason for being’ (‘raison d’etre’) – see, in particular, previous Blog ::: The ‘VIA’ Way : ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ (5/10/18).
Life itself is ‘where’ (in God’s time and space) we are called to ‘partake, engage and practice’ (= the ‘pep’ steps) – like the first disciples of Jesus (i.e. Andrew, brother of Simon Peter, and companion) ::: “what do you want?” (= ‘outreach’) ::: “where do you live?” (= ‘response’) ::: “come and see” (= ‘encounter’) – – – see John 1:38-39.
Yes, The ‘VIA’ Way is all about the greatest “calling / invitation / wake-up” of all time. It’s reverberations have echoed ‘down the centuries’ and ‘down the generations’. And, are beautifully expressed in the words of Saint Augustine ::: ‘you have made us that we long for you and our heart is restless until it rests in you’.
Yes, in ‘deed’, Jesus the Christ – the most “Affirmed” and “Affirming” person (divine and human) in Life itself – perfectly modeled for humanity the ‘VIA’ essence ::: ‘Value Identity Affirmation’. Touch the ‘VIA’ logo (‘Konect 1-2-1’ frontpage) to learn HOW.
Ok, you may say: “what do I do now?” My answer is: ‘climb a mountain’ or ‘set your sat-nav’ to “take in the Big Picture” ::: ‘Life is God’s Gift’ ::: ‘All Life is Sacred’ ::: “In God we live and move and have our Being” (Acts 17:28). So, you “see”, or need to “see” ::: ‘Life itself’ is God’s Gift to man and (the ‘challenge’ / ‘opportunity’ is) ‘what we do with ‘Life itself’ is our gift to God’.
What all this means (in theory and practice) is: ‘Life itself’ is (‘really and truly’) “GIFT EXCHANGE” ::: ‘Life itself’ manifests / replicates “Incarnate Trinity” ::: ‘Life itself’ is ‘Sacramental’ ::: ‘Life itself’ is about “‘Relationality’” (as per our VISION statement) ::: ‘Life itself’ is “Communion” (as God’s Family). In sum ::: ‘Life: Reciprocal Mutual Complementary’ (= #33).
The ‘VIA’ Way is “Christ in us” ::: “Receiving Christ ‘Value and Identity’ Affirmation” and “Giving Christ ‘Value and Identity’ Affirmation”.
We find ‘meaning / fulfillment’ only in God (= #33)
When we accept ‘God’s Spirit’ / ‘our humanity’ (= #33)
Mary (Mother of God) accepted to be what all creation was meant and created to be ::: the temple of the Holy Spirit ::: the humanity of God. She accepted the only true nature of each creature and all creation to place the ‘meaning / fulfillment’ of life in God. In accepting this nature she fulfilled the ‘womanhood of creation’ (i.e. her specific vocation as woman).
Mary (our Mother) stands for all of us, because it is only when we accept and respond (i.e. ‘partake / engage / practice’) in love and obedience – ‘transcending our limitations’ – do we become (‘really and truly’) God’s children.
In review: ‘Life itself’ (God’s Trinitarian Goodness) is ::: Creator (‘Fatherhood’), Creation (‘Motherhood’), Creature (‘Childhood’) ::: where we “play / pray” ‘ABC’ (‘Affirm Bless Celebrate’) always and forever. (Note: “play” = “perfect love answers yes” / “pray” = “perfect relationality answers yes”).
Daniel ( 4/11/18