Our ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) is the ‘crux’ of the ‘human condition’, which we have (in previous Blogs) diagnosed as a “‘3D’” virus (‘Delusional Dysfunctional Diabolical). In effect, this article “rounds off” a ‘trilogy’ (including: ‘Self’ deception is the greatest “con” ever (3/11/19) and Foolish Fools make Fools of themselves (2/12/19).
Now, you may ask: “what on earth in heaven’s name” (a la Fr Pat Collins) is the ‘linkage’ between these peculiar ‘title themes’? And, that’s an ‘important question’ – calling for a ‘worthwhile answer’. So – are you ready for “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”. Yes – all these ‘title themes’ (‘in common’) focus mainly on the ‘HUMAN’ aspect of ‘life itself’. They are “stuck” – that “painful” word, again – in the ‘bounds’ (‘boundaries’) of “‘duality’”, which ‘never (ever) resolve any issue’. So, let’s “see” the ‘Big Picture’ ::: God’s Kingdom ::: God’s Divine Will.
‘Fallen mankind’ needs to be rescued from it’s miserable ‘human condition’. We need to “TURN” from Psychological (‘problems’) to Spiritual (‘solutions’). So, let us “TURN” to the Word of God. In John 3:16 we have (‘what is deemed to be’) the “most quoted verse” in the Bible and (‘what is considered to be’) the “most important truth” in the Bible ::: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
God’s LOVE (for ‘mankind’) is ‘UNCONDITIONAL’. So, God ‘would not’ / ‘could not’ allow ‘mankind’ to “DIE” from a “LIE” – – – )))‘SIN’((( – – – )))‘SEPARATION’(((. Hence, God sent His Son to “RESCUE” ‘mankind’ from ‘themselves’. The “REMEDY” was (already) set out in John 3:3 ::: “You must be Born Again”. What this means is: ‘to be ‘SAVED’ (from ‘SIN’ / ‘SEPARATION’) you must become a “NEW” person –
(1) “TURN” (away) from ‘SIN’ / ‘SEPARATION’ (ie ‘human selfishness’)
(2) “TURN” (back) to Jesus the Christ (ie accept His Life)
(3) “TWIST” (around) in Jesus the Christ (ie our Savior and Lord).
As ‘GOODNESS’ is God’s (Godly) Essence, God ‘would not’ / ‘could not’ allow ‘evil’ to win. In ‘REALITY’ God turns ‘everything’ to ‘GOOD’ (if only we had ‘eyes’ to “see”). And, as related (in John 3:16), the TWISTER’S “TWIST” can be ‘put out of business’ (‘for ever’) ::: ‘T’ (Through Jesus) ‘W’ (With Jesus) ‘I’ (In Jesus) ‘S’ (Separation) ‘T (Trans-ended)’. This ‘Good News’ is (also) expressed in CCC521: ‘Christ enables us to “live in Him” all that He Himself lived, and “He lives it in us”.
By His Incarnation, the Son of God unites Himself with ‘each human being’. We are called to ‘become one with Him’, for He ‘enables’ us, as ‘members’ of His Body (the Church) to ‘share’ what “He lived” (for us) in the flesh (as our ‘MODEL’). Our task is to ‘REALISE’ in ‘ourselves’ (and ‘the whole Church’) the stages of the Life of Christ, so that ‘each’ and ‘every person’ is ‘ENABLED’ to ‘PARTAKE’ in ‘Christ Life Mysteries’.
Let us be ‘ambassadors’ of ‘FREEDOM’ for one another (ie ‘other Christs’) ‘enabling’ all mankind experience ‘LOVE and JOY’ (in the footsteps of Jesus the Christ) –
Our role is to “build” the Faith Community
– so we pray –
“Lord, God, be with us all today and forever”
“Merciful Jesus, I believe in You and I trust in You. Come to the aid of my weakness and incapacity. Grant that I may be able to make You known and loved by all people, and that, confident in the immensity of Your Love, I may be able to combat the evil in me and the whole world, for Your Glory and my Salvation”.
“Lord, Jesus Christ – we Thank You, we Praise You, we Adore You – we Hope in You, we Trust in You and we Love You. Give us Grace, Lord – the fullness of Grace, like Mary – to live the Sanctity of Your Divine Will, today and forever”.
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 12/1/20