An equally valid (alternative) ‘title / theme’ to the above would be ::: ‘Stubbornness : the fallout from The Fall’. It’s my view, that, the Genesis (3:9-10) ‘original sin’ story – which is featured at the start of Booklet / eBook The “GLOW” of Happiness : ‘FIT’ for Purpose – has been “skipped over” (as some sort of ‘fairy tale’) and has not been ‘pondered’ on enough, in terms of its ‘deep message and meaning’. The reality is ::: we (humans) have been suffering from ‘post trauma stress disorder’ (PTSD), ever since. So, now, you know.
Ok, we call it ::: ‘darkened understanding / weakened will / strong inclination to evil’ ::: and, we pray ::: ‘Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner’, without appreciating the ‘viral’ consequences of the ‘default damage’ that has been revealed, here. Yes, ‘Stubbornness of Heart’ is the innate ‘Human Condition’.
In ‘retrospect’ and in ‘prospect’ we are all ‘hide-bound’ (in one way or another), so, let’s get under the ‘skin’ of our ‘Human Condition’. This ‘Stubbornness’ syndrome was highlighted in eBook : A “new” U (Discipleship) and in last month’s Blog : You can’t ‘Be’, until you ‘Become, what you are. So, you may think : “we’re stuck” in a ‘duality playoff’, between our ‘Instinct’ and our ‘Intellect’ (i.e. the ‘Human Condition’). Not so : there is an ‘escape hatch’ (a 3rd element) which ‘undermines’ the “fake news” delivered to Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. This ‘saving grace’ is the “good news” of the ‘Incarnate-Trinity’. Yes, (again), God foresaw and Mary said “Yes” to ‘bringing forth’ the Trinity’s remedy (i.e. Jesus the Christ) to ‘reveal’ this ‘hidden fault’ at the ‘heart of mankind’.
We have (somehow) been hypnotised with ‘fear and foreboding’ and, like Adam and Eve, we “go into hiding” (‘oppressed / suppressed’ by ‘shame and guilt’). The unfortunate outcome is ::: we are (almost 100%) ‘predisposed’ (since ‘The Fall’) to focus on protecting (at all cost) our own ‘skin’ / our own ‘self’. The name of the ‘game’ (in life) seems to be : ‘play’ at a ‘surface’ (superficial) level or (in worldly ‘marketing’ mode) ‘skin’ care / ‘hide’ care.
So, our ‘hang-up’ (identified as ‘sin’ or ‘separation’) is – at root level – the ‘cross’ purposes (without seeing the ‘cross’) between ‘self righteous stubborn Instinct’ and ‘self righteous stubborn Intellect’. The problem (in all this) is ::: we find it hard to “see” this ‘contrary / conflict / condition’ in ‘ourselves’. We have been “blinded” (like Adam and Eve) with ‘fake’ information. It’s no wonder, Jesus exclaimed to the Father (on the ‘Cross’) ::: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
The ‘$64k’ question, then, is ::: ‘WHERE’ can we clearly “see” ‘stubbornness’ in ‘live action’? Now, with all due respects to ‘donkeys’ everywhere ::: we are looking at the ‘ass’ medium / message. To put this in context (and to save on repetition) I reference you, again, to eBook : A “new” U ( The Way : ‘VIA’). Here, we can observe the ‘stark stubbornness’ of the ‘Instinct’ (the ‘ass’) and the equally ‘stark stubbornness’ of the ‘Intellect’ (the ‘man / woman’). Both natures want their ‘own way’ – hence, stalemate. In fact, the results are even worse than stalemate – since the two natures not only refuse to ‘recognise’ the other’s ‘demands’ – they, actually, “shy away” from each, and, in fact, “pull back” from each other. Does all that ‘set-off’ ‘strike-a-chord’ with you? (i.e. ‘not being in accord!’).
But, we’re more than our ‘Human Condition’ ::: we are ‘Spiritual beings’, first and foremost, who have been enfleshed (i.e, born into the world). That’s why you find the following statement appearing in various Blogs ::: we are not ‘human beings’ seeking to be ‘spiritual’ ::: we are ‘spiritual beings’ seeking to be ‘human’.
Finally, before I let you go, I want to give you two ‘insightful’ views on the above. You will be aware of St. Ignatius (Ignatian Spirituality) and St. Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica). These, two / too, ‘confronted’ what has been set out and (at the end of their lives) gave us their ‘personal conclusion’ about ‘life’s conundrum’. St. Ignatius admitted : “I, myself, am the obstacle” and St. Thomas Aquinas stated: “all my writings are straw” (compared to the reality of God’). In sum: ‘Through With In (Christ) Sin Transcended’ (that’s the ‘TWIST’).
Daniel ( 10/6/17