‘Through With In’
Separation Trans-ended
Ponder: ‘VIA’ LIFE (joy) / ‘self for self’ (misery) -
1. Lonely Insecure Frustrated Exploited
2. Our LIFE difficulty is : ‘our own weakness’
3. If ‘self’ has a problem : ‘self’ is the problem’
4. Problems are : ‘VIA’ giving opportunities
5. ‘VIA’ equals : Value Identity Affirmation
6. Give Forgive Thanksgive : is LIFE giving
7. LIFE: Loved Inspired Fulfilled Engaged
Mary calls all towards perfect ‘VIA’ LIFE -
1. “See the child Jesus” says Mary , his Mother
2. “He is the Christ” : “Come to Him” : “Stay with Him”
3. “Do whatever He tells you” : The Divine Will
( Note: all statements are in #33 mode)