That’s a strange looking word – ‘seeking attention’ – but, bear with me, as we dip into a ‘touchy’ subject. Believe it or not, the original title / theme for this article was: ‘Bond’ / ‘Bound’: the difference is ‘U’! However, that was negated on an overall ‘Head Heart Hands’ rating. So, Lord: “take care of all our sensitivities”.
Have you ever ‘felt-like’ or do you know people who ‘feel-like’ a ‘square peg’ in a ‘round hole’: an almost complete ‘misfit’ in life? That is the ‘Sore-Spot’ (‘in-to-me-see’) that provokes ‘deep, deep, deep’ ‘SensitivitieS’. If this is your experience, the story of ‘dis-affected’ lives goes something like this: such new born (babies) ‘arrive’ in the world like a piece of luggage on an airport carousel that goes ‘round & round & round’ – ‘bumping off’ other pieces of ‘un-claimed’ baggage – & remain ‘un-identified’ / ‘un-valued’ / ‘un-acknowledged’. And, here’s the sad outcome: such people – more often than not – are forced to ‘hide’ from ‘others’ & withdraw to some ‘safe’ corner of the world – out of sight / out of mind.
Now, to avoid repeating ‘related concepts’ see blog: ‘Blame V Bless’ which delved, also, into this delicate issue. Note (there): the three types of PDA’s at “play” in our daily lives: in particular, ‘Personal Default Angst’ (the ‘human’ mode reflecting fear & hurt, guilt & shame, etc.). On the bigger picture, this website explores social / spiritual ‘dis-connect’ & (underlying) ‘dis-functionality’.
The Booklet / eBook (The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose) sets-out contrasting ‘primordial personal development scenarios’: ‘EMOTIONALLY-DEPRIVED’ vis-a-vis ‘EMOTIONALLY-AFFIRMED’: & ‘promulgates parenting principles’: AF-FIRM (the child) / BE-FIRM (the parents) / CON-FIRM (each other).
That said, symptomatic ‘SensitivitieS’ – which parallel our ‘Single, Social & Spiritual’ lives – ‘cry-out’ (‘SOS’ like) ::: for the gifts that encode ‘The “GLOW” of Happiness’ (‘Goodness + Lovableness + Openness + Worthwhileness’) ::: for ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ (‘VIA’) ::: for ‘three vital births’: ‘being born physically’ / ‘being born relationally’ / ‘being born spiritually’. What all this ‘validates’ for each person is the ‘vital‘ sense of their ‘FIRM’ foundation: “you are loved” / “you are unique” / “you belong”.
The ‘Bond’ / ‘Bound’ paradigm (mentioned above) is another way of giving meaning to the personal formation ‘process’ / ‘programming’. If it is positive (in terms of: Affirm Bless Celebrate) we bond ‘strongly, adequately & happily’ (i.e. we become ‘relationally open’). If it is negative (in terms of: Abandon Betray Condemn) we bond ‘weakly, inadequately & unhappily’ (i.e. we become ‘relationally closed’). In the latter instance, there is a tendency for the ‘u’ (‘you’) to intrude (turning ‘bond’ into ‘bound’) to ‘self’ protect.
Yes: “‘RELATIONALITY’” (as per this website’s VISION statement) is everything. The big mistake we make – as a result of the ‘Fall’ (& here, may I say, Adam & Eve have a lot to answer for) – is to think of ‘life / others / God’ in RELATION to ourselves: instead of thinking of everything (including ourselves) in RELATION to God. It’s no wonder we have an ‘up-side-down’ world. So, let’s reflect more deeply on what Jesus the Christ ‘PRO’CLAIMED – when He claimed ‘Perfect Relational Order’ – in the Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer): “Thy Name / Thy Kingdom / Thy Will”: God is our ‘point of reference’.
At this stage, in our ‘worldly affairs’, you may ask: “what is the critical issue here?”. The basic thesis of these reflections is the seemingly inherent ‘dis-integrating’ nature of the ‘culture of life’ we are ‘hell-bent’ on pursuing. And – now more than ever – our ‘false faith’ in / our ‘endemic passion’ for the ‘roots & fruits’ of ‘technological progress’ is driving ‘people / products’ over the cliff’! In simple terms: we have forgotten what ‘human life’ is all about / what it means to live in ‘child-like’ mode. We have turned ‘people’ into ‘products’ – which means – our ‘identity & value‘ is now ‘subsumed, consumed & presumed‘ in Big Data. All that remains for ‘you‘ – mere human – is to “kiss” your ‘PDA’ (‘Personal Digital Assistant’) “good-night”.
Be awake / Be aware / Be alert ::: “YOU” (Body / Soul / Spirit) — as the ‘product’ for ‘consumption’ by ‘technological-society’ — are (‘every day in every way’) being ‘ripped-off’ / ‘ripped-apart’ / ‘ripped-inside-out’. These ‘desperations’ challenge us ‘face-to-face‘, as follows:
* The Word became flesh & dwelt among us (John 1:14).
* The Word became ‘human’ & ‘moved into my neighbourhood’.
* The Word became ‘a baby / a teen / an adult’ & ‘in-to-me-saw’.
Nota Bene: our real task (in this life) is to: “Heal Wounds” / “Warm Hearts” / “Hold Hands” (i.e. ‘Konect 1-2-1‘).