“My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves”
(Matthew 21:13)
The Booklet, under ‘switched-off’ emotions, makes reference to Christ & His Church & draws a distinction between concepts, such as ‘GATE’ & ‘GATE-KEEPER’.
The Church is the ‘Body of Christ’ & we, as followers of Christ, are all parts (individually & collectively) of that Body, with Christ as our Head.
To ‘fit-to-gether’ we need to ‘gather-to-gether’ unto Him. To make this ‘work’ we have to become: ‘receivers & givers’ & ‘givers & receivers’. What this means in ‘real-life-practice’ is that we have to learn to “complement” each other – as members of His ‘grace-endowed’ / ‘adopted-children’ – not just “compliment” each other (although that is ok, too, if it’s genuine).
The life of the Church is, then, all about “mutual-up-building”: as we become partakers of the “new” humanity, introduced by Jesus, the Christ.
In essence, the ‘task-in-hand’ is to participate in
“FAITH FORMATION” , in our individual & collective lives, based on “FIRM FOUNDATIONS”:
AF-FIRM | : | Christ, our Redeemer | = | Kingdom Life |
BE-FIRM | : | Communion, with Christ | = | Spiritual Life |
CON-FIRM | : | Complementarity, with Others | = | Social Life |
In summary, this is what “Konect 1-2-1” is all about: the ‘People of God’ re-building the ‘Body of Christ’, using our combined ‘God-given-gifts’ as “building blocks”, when we ‘gather-to-gether’– in the small & big events of life – “in His Name”.
It is, now, an opportune time, in our history, to move-on from “me-life” to “we-life” & to ‘see’ & ‘understand’ that –
Finally: The message of the Booklet & this, follow-on website, is that The “GLOW” Of Happiness is a ‘side-effect’ (or consequence) of being ‘FIT’ for Purpose.
Finally, Finally: What does it mean to be Spiritually ‘FIT’?
“F” |
= | Fiat |
= | Accept Christ into one’s life |
“I” |
= | Incarnate | = | Bear Christ into the world |
“T” | = | Trinity | = | Complement Christ with each there |
In this way, the generative “I AM . . . . .” of Jesus is being fulfilled.