This catchy ‘title / theme’ needs a bit of ‘patience and perseverance’ to digest. ‘PLAY’ translates as ‘Perfect Love Answers Yes’ and ‘PRAY’ translates as ‘Perfect Relationality Answers Yes’. We are touching here (10 words / 33 letters) a ‘compressed message’ to carry with you (‘every day of your life’). And, hopefully – after we have explained it a little more fully – you will be able to share this Good News with ‘family, friends and the forlorn (i.e. abandoned / betrayed / condemned)’.
The Bible ‘big picture’ scenario reveals –
Three Coordinates ::: Creator / Creation / Creatures.
Two Dynamics ::: Incarnation / Trinity.
One Saviour ::: Jesus the Christ.
The Bible ‘big picture’ story reveals –
God’s 3 G’s ::: ‘Gift Grace Glory’.
Man’s 3 R’s ::: ‘Receive Restore Return’.
“I Am” ::: ‘Way Truth Life’.
The Bible ‘big picture’ secret reveals –
The Love ::: Father.
That Loves ::: Son.
To Love ::: Holy Spirit.
Ok! What we have ‘pictured’ (above) – for the purpose of explaining ‘PLAY’ and ‘PRAY’ – is a simple synopsis of the ‘context (scenario) / content (story) / connectivity (secret)’ of the Christian Life. And, keep in mind (also) a basic ‘Faith Statement’ (which has been quoted often on this website) ::: ‘all that exists is God’s gift to man, and it all exists to make God known to man, and to make man’s life communion with God’.
The ‘words’ that are common in ‘PLAY’ and ‘PRAY’ are ‘Perfect’ and ‘Answers Yes’. These three speak to God’s ‘PRO’VISION (i.e. VISION of ‘Perfect Relational Order’). The other two – ‘Love’ and ‘Relationality’ – are interchangeable in terms of being ‘Reciprocal / Mutual / Complementary’. So, here you have the ‘code to decode’ the Kingdom of God.
Now, if all that appears ‘complicated’, I’m going to introduce the ‘simplicity’ of Jesus the Christ – “Always Be Childlike” (‘ABC’) – who specified “the one thing necessary” (Luke 10:38-42) / (Martha ‘takes-part’ & Mary ‘part-takes’). What is being asked of us is to ::: ‘take time out to partake of God’ ::: by way of ‘a walk, a talk or a balk (i.e. obstacle / obstruction / obsession)’ ::: for it’s only ‘in the present moment’ that God and the soul can meet and bless each other and ‘PLAY’ / ‘PRAY’.
The ‘key’ question – in all this – is: why is it ‘vital’ to ‘PLAY’ / ’PRAY’? And, the answer is given by Jesus the Christ – in the form of a ‘life-giving’ invitation – “come to Me, all you who labour and are over-burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What Jesus the Christ is ‘informing’ us – by way of ‘in-formation’ – is that ‘partaking of God’ (in communion of life) is the only ‘real value’ in life / the only ‘real relationality’ in life / the only ‘real love’ in life.
Jesus the Christ is our perfect ‘social / spiritual’ model ::: “I came that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). And, as Carl Houselander stated ::: “Each of us, is an ‘other’ Christ” ::: “Each of us, is called to be an ‘other’ Christ in the world” ::: “Each of us, is to live out, in an unique way, some aspect of the Christ life”. What this means in practice is ::: each of us needs to ‘come to a realization’ (after ‘reflecting / pondering / contemplating’) that it is actually in ‘WHO WE ARE’ (The Children of God / The Body of Christ) that He wants to ‘act’ ::: ‘Affirm / Bless / Celebrate’ (‘ABC’) all that exists.
A prayer (to say each day): ‘Merciful Jesus, I believe in You and I trust in You. Come to the aid of my weakness and incapacity. Grant that I may be able to make You known and loved by all people, and that, confident in the immensity of Your Love, I may be able to combat the evil within me and the whole world, for Your Glory and my Salvation’.