We are ‘back to basics’ – with particular emphasis on “Our Father” in the ‘title theme’ – and ‘inset quote’ – (in #33 mode). Note: “‘OUR”’ means a lot –
‘“Open Up Relations’” : “to God and one another”
If you have a “Father” problem – and who hasn’t – here’s the answer ‘fair and square’. “Father” (God) – like (‘correlate’ with / ‘equate’ with) “Father” (human) – is, for most of mankind, a rather ‘touchy experiential’ subject matter ::: ‘memories’ – to ‘last’ lifetimes – take ‘root’ in these ‘contingent / dependent’ CONTACTS (‘relational connectivities’ and ‘formation conditionings’). Do I need to say more? Nevertheless, I should point you to the ‘thesis’ underlying this website’s (‘Konect 1-2-1’) ‘raison d’etre’ (‘reason for being’) ::: “If we weren’t dysfunctional we wouldn’t be normal” (see Booklet / eBook: The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose).
“APPROVAL” and “BELONGING” go to ‘the heart of the matter’ and – you know only too well – ‘the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart’. Yes, it’s all ‘laid out’ in sundry Blogs – in particular – in Healing ‘means’ : ‘Confessing and Blessing’ (9/5/19) and The ‘VIA’ way : ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ (10/4/19).
Now – having stated all the above – it’s time to ‘evaluate’ the ‘human perspective’, which – despite the ‘myriad fall-out trauma’s that life’s circumstances manifest’ – is ‘limited and superficial’. ‘Know’, I’m NOT “judging” or “blaming” – we’re all “caught” in this human ‘mess muddle mayhem’ together. So, to give you a “break”, here’s the facts ::: mankind did not conceive of “sin” by ourselves ::: we did not invent “sin” by ourselves ::: we were, truly, deceived by the “father of lies”, the devil.
Ok, let’s get back to “Our Father”, which is an all-inclusive Name in terms of “God’s Family”. In the 1st Book of the Bible we find the descent and relationship of humanity to God ::: God said: “let us make man in our image, after our likeness – so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:26-27).
Yes, the reality is, all human beings are created in the “image and likeness” of “Our Father” (our “Creator” / our “Source”) ::: God is “Our Father” ::: we are God’s Family ::: we are God’s Children. Yes, indeed, the ‘totality of our human nature’ is ‘gifted’ to each and every person by God. Our vocation in ‘life itself’ is ::: to “walk and talk” with God ::: to be “God’s son’s and daughter’s”.
‘The Bad News’ – because of “The Fall” (‘disobedience’) humanity “separated” from God ::: we lost “communion” with God through ‘darkened understanding, weakened will and strong inclination to evil’. However, ‘The Good News’ – because ‘no power and no sin is able to overcome the love of God for humanity’ ::: “God sent his Son, born of a woman, to redeem mankind and to receive adoption as his children, so that we are no longer slaves, but son’s and daughter’s and heir’s to his Kingdom” (Galatians 4:4-7).
Thus, the power of the devil was destroyed for all time by God in Jesus the Christ (through his Incarnation, Crucifixion. Resurrection and Ascension). What this means is: humankind has been set free to ‘live lives of selfless love in the body of Christ’ (the Church) ::: via the Christ Prayer ::: “Our Father” : “Thy Name / Thy Kingdom / Thy Will”.
‘Living as God wants us to live’ is ‘modeled’ on ‘Jesus Christ living through us by the presence of the Holy Spirit’ ::: “For you are all sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus Christ” ::: “And because you are sons and daughters, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out “Abba, Father” (Galatians 3:26 & 4:6). Note: the God of the Universe is “PAPA”, our one and only “Real Father”.
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 7/7/19