Our ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) for May – ‘Month of Mary’ – is no coincidence. She is Mother – your mother, my mother, everyone’s mother – so, other topics have to wait. In addition, this website’s new ‘VIA’ logo (see: ‘front page’ + logo ‘drop down pages’) – in the shape of the CROSS – calls us, like Mary, to the ‘central symbol’ of her Son : Jesus the Christ. And, in real LIFE, Mary and Jesus ‘model’ The Christian Way.
“In God we live and move and have our Being”
Man lives in God : Is God ‘manifested’ in Man?
Full LIFE : ONLY if God ‘LIVES AND ACTS’ in us
So, there you have it ::: three #33 Messages, with all the Meaning in the world. (Note: you can substitute ‘incarnated’ for ‘manifested’). And, to get you going, here’s our ‘key’ #33 question ::: what on earth, in heaven’s name, is God up to?
Mary – ‘with a mother’s love for her children’ – wants to ‘DRAW’ us into the mystery of ‘The Incarnate Trinity’ ::: wants to ‘incarnate this reality’ in our lives ::: (Note: ‘DRAW’ = ‘Die (to self) Recognise Acknowledge Welcome) ::: ‘see the child Jesus, says Mary, His mother’ ::: ‘He is the Christ : come to Him : stay with Him’ ::: “Do whatever He tells you” : The Divine Will.
“Let the Lord enter : He is the King of Glory”
Like Mary : we incarnate Jesus in our LIFE
Its Jesus who wants to ‘live and act’ in Man
‘We desire it’ and ‘Christ does all the Work’
Pondering prayer : ‘Becoming one with God’
“Through With In” Separation Trans-ended
‘Reciprocal Mutual Complementary’ LOVE
In Mary mode (‘as Mary says very little in the Bible’) you are invited to “taste” / “digest” / “absorb” another ten (3+7) #33 Pondering Statements (above).
Mary teaches, by example ::: She seeks to understand ‘what God is doing’ – His Message and His Meaning – in ‘All LIFE Mysteries’ (Joyful / Sorrowful / Glorious / Luminous). She is ‘open and obedient’ before God and His awesome Plan for the Salvation of the world. And, Mary’s Secret! ::: ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ ::: ‘Is Made Possible Once Subject Surrenders Into Being Love Eternal’.
So, WHERE to from here? We follow Jesus the Christ ::: like The First Disciples (John 1:35-45) ::: and, as per the #33 ‘headlines’ of this websites (‘Konect 1-2-1’) ‘front page’ ::: ‘encountering Christ each and every day’ ::: ‘called to be an “other” Christ in the world’ ::: ‘discipleship in Christ for each person’.
In summation: our task is –
(a) to ‘listen and learn’ so that we might ‘Behold (Observe) God’s Actions’ (each and every day) and ‘partake’ of them.
(b) to ‘enflesh’ (incarnate) ‘Word of God into LIFE’, so that ‘others’ may see by “how we live” – – – “how we love one another”.
(c) to ‘reach out’ in ‘God’s Love and Compassion’ to ‘all our neighbours’ (‘family / community / worldwide’).
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 10/5/18