Before you “run away” from this ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) : “stop” and “take note” : ‘this is the “DEMAND” you are “making” (in your life) every day (whether or not you are ‘fully aware’ of same). So, let’s ponder this ‘apparent paradox’ –
“The word became flesh and dwelt among us”
(John 1:14)
Yes, what we’re talking about is – ‘the greatest mystery of all time’ – the ‘reality story’ of ‘Life itself’ : ‘Creation / Incarnation’ : ‘Making the Invisible Visible’.
This ‘overview’ can be expressed as follows –
The word was made flesh: Jesus the Christ
And dwelt among us, as ‘Visible Invisible’
Hence, our ‘reason for the season’ (Christmas) unfolds –
See the child Jesus, says Mary His Mother
He is the Christ: come to Him: stay with Him
In sum: as Fr. Patrick Cusack SJ used to repeat, again and again : Jesus Christ is : “the human way of being divine” / “the divine way of being human”.
Ok, you might say, that’s ‘all right in theory’, but, “how on earth in heaven’s name” (a la Fr. Pat Collins) am I going to ‘put it into practice’? Believe it or not, there’s an answer ‘for each and all’, who are following this conundrum with ‘bated breath’ ::: ‘DESIRE’ ::: Demand Everyday “Spirit Inspired Relationality” Everywhere’.
Yes, we have ‘choices’ to make – ‘dual options’: ‘good will’ / ‘bad will’ – or (open up to) ‘the 3rd Way’: ‘divine will’. And, ‘paying attention’ to the definition of ‘DESIRE’ (given in brackets i.e. ‘spirit inspired relationality’) we ‘cross reference’ what the Bible has to say : “Your words are spirit and life” (John 6:63). This means : God’s word is ‘life itself’ : God’s word is the ‘invisible’ made ‘visible’.
And, like St. Therese of the Child Jesus, we learn to ‘LIVE LIFE’ –
Confident in the immensity of God’s love
I ‘Affirm Bless Celebrate’ God’s Goodness
So, in the ‘reality’ of daily life, the ‘invisible’ makes manifest the ‘visible’. At one level, we ‘go about our lives’ like “driverless” cars – we have “information” (i.e. we “know only what we know”) – and simply ‘seek’ to avoid trouble. At another level, we ‘live our lives’ like “driverless” humans – we have “knowledge” (i.e. we “know only what we don’t know”) – but, nevertheless, ‘feel compelled’ to tell everybody else what they should be about. However, having ‘experienced a life of misery’ we, finally, “come to our senses” and ‘cry out’ for “wisdom” (i.e. God “knows”) – entrusting our life to Jesus the Christ (our “divine driver”).
Now, there is a common thread in all the above (“gobbledygook”) : ‘the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart’ : the “heart programmes” ‘DESIRE’ and ‘DEMAND’ (automatically) and we “reap the consequences” (‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘indifferent’).
Finally, the ‘message / meaning’ that is “hidden in clear view” here is : “problems in life” stem from ‘invalid (untrue) desires / demands’ : “solutions in life” stem from ‘valid (true) desires / demands’. If your life is ‘out of kilter’ you need to immediately “reprogramme your heart” and replace your ‘DESIRE / DEMAND’ for sin with your ‘DESIRE / DEMAND’ for God.
Daniel ( 3/12/18