This ‘title theme’ is taken from previous Blog – GOOD NEWS : from ‘DIVERSION’ to ‘CONVERSION’ – where it was left “up in the air”, due to ‘one page text presentation’. So, the question is : “what on earth in heaven’s name” is being stated here?
We did indicate that Life is all about “how we see” / “how we understand”. Ok, you might say, that’s all very well, but I’m still struggling with this ‘Picture’ concept. What we’re saying (‘as human beings’) is : “I can’t take it all in”. We’re like ‘human flies’ all over something – trying to “find” our way – but are “lost” in the detail. So, nowadays, we try and “grasp what’s going on” with our ‘flash mobile phones’ and hope to “examine / relive” that ‘flash moment’, later. But, as we know, it rarely happens.
Here’s news for you – and, only you can decide on its merits – the ‘Big Picture’ / ‘Small Picture’ scenario – is the story of Mankind since day one (‘zero’). We were “tagging along” with God (ie “walking hand in hand”), but, we were Naturally overwhelmed with God and His Creation. And, “all was full of joy” until we started to “THINK FOR OUR- SELVES” and were ‘tempted to turn our attention away from God” and “do our own thing”. Hence, the ‘1st Apple Brand’.
You will notice, by now, that we’re on a “once upon a time story” and you are – either – getting ‘bored’ or ‘fascinated’ (and you’re conscious, also, ‘page space’ may soon ‘run out’, too / and, you are no wiser about “what he’s on about”). But, let’s not “blame” the writer. Surely, “we all do this all the time” – we live in “default mode” – we’ve lost our “childlike interest” in ‘Life itself’ – and, here’s the “catch” (like Peter – “out fishing all night” – and “caught nothing”) we’re “trying to cope from our own resources” (our “self imposed prison perspective”).
Now, even though this Blog is being written on ‘April Fools Day’ (1/4/2020) – its being dated (‘at the end’) in monthly sequence – I’ve decided that you deserve better than being “led along”. So, here’s “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” – God “started” Life (ie His ‘Big Picture’ VISION) with His ‘SOLUTION’ – Humankind “started” Life (ie our ‘Small Picture’ VISION) with our ‘PROBLEMS’. So, the real ‘message and the meaning’ is : ‘cop on’ : “God is Everything” : “We are Nothing” –
‘Live / Learn’ : “Be still and know that I am God”
(Psalm 46:10)
Daniel ( 7/6/20