This is a fairly common expression of ‘deep’ frustration. Some thing in your life is not working out – as desired. It certainly sounds like ‘bad news’. Well, how would you feel if someone said: “hold-on! there is ‘good news’ in there, too. Wouldn’t that be a shocking surprise! You say: “go on: I’m listening”.
That someone is Jesus. He sees the ‘reality’ picture (i.e. what is for real) & offers an ‘Amazing, Bountiful, Compassionate’ response (an ‘ABC’ special): He says: “The kingdom of God has come near to you” (Luke 10:9).
You might say: “that will take some explaining”. Well, believe it or not, it’s all very simple, but, by no means easy. So, you say: “what do I have to do?” Actually, you don’t have to ‘do’ anything. Here’s the ‘key’: you have to give-up demanding: “I want” / “I don’t want”. This is where your life is “stuck” in ‘self-for-self’ mode (i.e. focusing on your, all time, old, favourites: ‘me, myself & I’).
“Come on, give me a break: what alternative ‘way of life’ is out there?” It’s a matter of lining up the “C’s” in your life (as mentioned in last month’s Blog): ‘Context & Content’. It all comes ‘down to humility’ & ‘climbing-up higher’ – like going-up a mountain – for a different view (i.e. a bigger & better perspective, on life).
It’s important to ‘Be aware’ that there is a big ‘IF’ in the middle of ‘LIFE’. The peculiar thing about this ‘IF’ is: it delivers on the consequences of “your” choices in life (positive or negative): “you”, surely / assuredly, reap what you sow – whether “you” like or hate the result is a different matter, all together.
Jesus came on earth to ‘sign-post’ the Kingdom of God. It is significant that He always focused on LIVING LIFE from a perspective BEYOND HIMSELF. When His disciples detected this ‘new way’ of living & asked for guidance He taught them “The Lord’s Prayer”: “The Our Father” – how to meet all needs i.e. how to ‘re-focus’ one’s desires.
Life teaches hard lessons – because that’s the only way we learn for our selves. All “our “ plans are vain & futile – without God’s intervention. We set out (on “our “ own) to ‘conquer the world’, but, like the prodigal son, we end-up in a ‘pig sty’ of sorts, before we come to “our” senses (Luke 15:11-31).
Now, I want to ‘nail’ the ‘nearness’ of the Kingdom. What Jesus is trying to bring to our attention is: the outline of your ‘cross in life’ is beginning to appear i.e. where the vertical ‘view of life’ intersects the horizontal ‘view of life’. In other words: where we ‘die’ to the world, the flesh & the devil as a possibility (may or may not happen) & where we ‘rise’ to the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit as a probability (likely to happen).
In summary: let me ask “you”: what is that ‘yoke’ you’re carrying? Is it heavy or light? The choice is yours! ‘Be awake’, ‘Be alert’ to what Jesus is saying to “you”: “Take My yoke upon you & learn from Me, for I am gentle & humble of heart, & you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).
Daniel ( 11/8/14