You may recall – if you ‘picked-up’ on my Booklet / eBook – that I ‘kicked-off’, my reflections, with God’s ‘start-ling’ question to Adam in the Garden of Eden: “Where are you?” (& we’ll come back to that again).
However, I want to take you back further – to the beginning of the Genesis story – where God ‘faced’ the “VOID”. What was God to do? That was the big question! As we all know, God eventually created all these ‘smart’ creatures, called humans. But, that does not answer the primary question: what to do with this indeterminate “VOID”?
God seems to have anticipated our ‘modern-day’ marketing terminology & posed the “key” question: is there a “GAP in the Market?” &, even more “key”: is there a “Market in the GAP?” Having given due consideration to all possibilities, God decided to create ‘Creation & Creatures’ in inter-active, inter-relational & inter-dependent generative mode.
You may ask: “what on earth, in heavens name, was God up-to?” Again, it seems, God (i.e. the Trinity) wanted a wonderful ‘playground’ & childlike images & likenesses (i.e. babies, teenagers, adults) to ‘play’ with.
So, ok! What is this “GAP” idea all about? Hold your attention: it stands for “God And People” / “Goodness And Providence” / “Glory And Praise”. It’s where God’s “3 G’s” are planted ( see Blog, dated 13/6/’14).
It’s all about the context & content of our lives. Without context we have no point of reference (meaning) & without content we have no point of relevance (message). You might be tempted – right here – to say: just like this, so called, Blog.
The Bible presents us with two significant, leading, questions. We made reference to the 1st, already, which was directed to Adam, after he had eaten of the forbidden ‘fruit’. The 2nd was directed at Jesus, after John the Baptist pointed him out to two of his followers. They asked: “where do you live?”.
It’s worthwhile pondering the two different responses that are recounted. Adam peered-out from his ‘hiding place’ & admitted to being afraid (fear-full). Jesus turned around, faced his pursuers & issued an ‘open invitation’ to them (& all of us): “Come & See”. This is the Kingdom of God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. It’s the Source of our reality, our relationality & our communion.
Under this ‘man-date’ all we have to “do” is: Affirm, Bless & Celebrate God’s Creation & Creatures. We are to live our lives with child-like IMAGINATION & EXPECTATION, like playful children, who trust that ALL is taken care of. The ‘CHILD’ in us – like the child Jesus – should be ALL about: ‘Celebration, Harmony, Inspiration, Love, Devotion’.
In Summary: ALL is ‘given’ & ALL we (you, I & the rest of us) have to do is: ‘Affirm, Bless, Celebrate’ ALL – so that, God may be “ALL in ALL”. (This child-like ‘ABC‘ offering ‘forms’ the Father’s Family Foundation i.e. The Kingdom).
Daniel ( 12/7/14