You may recall – if you read the article entitled : God! What is the big picture? Where do ‘I’ fit-in? – that God – in His wisdom – created ‘Creation & Creatures’. And, integral to that – in His profound wisdom – created, also, the ‘providential aspects’ of life for you, me & everyone.
So, what are we talking about? We are focusing on God’s ‘generative plan for His human family’, who by ‘natural endowed freedom’ were – potentially – hapless, helpless & hopeless. A foundational Truth – for vulnerable people – was called for. Hence, Perfect Relational Order (‘PRO’) was ‘offered via Jesus, the Christ’. The VISION is ours to see.
Thus, God provided / provides an ‘Assured Base Context’ (ABC) for His children (for life on earth & in eternity, too). This ‘security precept’ – in the Christian life – is called Faith. It’s possibilities have to be activated. What this means in practice is: God is Faithful, if we choose to ‘ignite our will’ to ‘call upon Him’ / ‘seek His help’.
Now, the big question is: how can we ‘tie-together’ ‘PRO’ life & ‘FAITH’ life (as set-out above)? The answer, of course, is ‘pro-claimed’ – for all people / for all time – in Jesus’ great paradoxical / ‘hidden in clear view’ statement: “unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:15 / Matthew 18:3). ‘In a nutshell’, the simple ‘ABC’ dimension of what Jesus, the Christ, is telling us, is: ‘unless you become childlike you can’t ‘PLAY’ !
Wow! Do you mean to say: it all comes down to ‘PLAY’? It really does: when you understand that ‘PLAY’ means: Perfect Love Answers “Yes”. ‘Wait a moment’ (you might say): I thought the Christ-life was all about ‘PRAY’! Good point! How are we to reconcile: ‘PLAY’ & ‘PRAY’? They ‘look’ similar, but, become identical when we translate ‘PRAY’: Perfect Relationality Answers “Yes”.
So, I’m saying: God (refercing, again, the above mentioned article) – in His infinite wisdom – ‘set the stage’ : ‘playground’ & ‘players’: for His Great Drama of human life: PEOPLE – in childlike mode – ‘PLAYING’ / ‘PRAYING’ &, in so ‘doing / being’: manifesting His trinitarian personality: ‘reciprocity / mutuality/ complementarity’. In this way : we ‘gather-2-gether’ / ‘konect 1-2-1’- in His name – to form the ‘Body of Christ’, the ‘Community of God’, His ‘Church’.
The key concept – in all this – is : WHO ‘we are’ : ‘we are’ not our own feeble ‘self / selves’ : ‘we are’ God’s family : ‘we are’ Trinitarian children. If we – really / really / really – take this – God’s ‘providential covenant’ – into our minds, hearts & souls – ‘we are’ surely / assuredly ‘gifted / graced / glorified’ with the Christ life.
In summary: God’s ‘PRO’-VISION is key to the ‘abundant’ life – if we dare to ‘Trust in the Giver’ – like little (dependent) children. On this ‘in-formation’ all are invited to partake: “taste & see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34;8).
Mini addendum: You may be a ‘bit shocked’ with the ‘PLAY’ theme (introduced here) : but, remember, God only asks us to ‘be’ who ‘we are’ : His little children : who, like all children, ‘love-to-play’ / ‘play-to-love’. So, when you feel a ‘bit disconnected’ (socially / spiritually), go & let childlike ‘PLAY’ come back into your life.