Is your life out of kilter? If so, here is another question you need to answer: what PROGRAM are you running? You respond: “don’t tell me you are on about ‘IT’ (Information Technology / Incarnation Trinity) again!” Note: this ‘parallel universe’ was expounded upon, originally, under the ‘Formation’ Button (see:‘Parenting & Fostering’).
“Yes! I’m sorry! BUT – – – that’s where you’re STUCK”. As ‘NORMAL’ / ‘DIS-FUNCTIONAL’ human beings we tend to OPERATE out of our own particular personal programming. The human ‘conditioning’ process we experience in growing-up (in life-time encounters) EN-CODES a ‘mode of living’ which tends to respond automatically to circumstances i.e. it becomes our DEFAULT mode.
OK! Let me be more specific: what PROGRAM is your MIND (i.e. your ‘in-house’ computer) running? Is it full of fiction / fantasy / falsity? Is it infiltrated with INVALID ideas, values & ‘ways of living’? In short: is your LIFE a ‘miserable mess’? Take heart / take heed: ‘all PROBLEMS are psychological / all SOLUTIONS are spiritual’.
Our problems manifest as pains / aches / dis-order (i.e. out of order). What we perceive are ‘SOS’ messages / calls by our body for help. The SYMPTOMS are telling us: there is some thing ‘amiss / missing’. The horizontal (social ‘context / content’) & vertical (spiritual ‘context / content’) parts of our ‘way of life’ are out of alignment.
The solution – as I keep repeating – is simple, but not easy. We have to LEARN to RE-PROGRAM our ‘way of living’. This RE-CODING is set-out (beautifully / gracefully / profoundly) by St. Paul in Romans 12:1: “my brothers & sisters,I implore you, by God’s mercy, to offer yourselves to Him a living sacrifice, dedicated & fit for His acceptance, the worship offered by mind & heart”; & in Romans 12:2: “adapt your selves no longer to the pattern (PROGRAMMING) of this present world, but let your minds be remade (RE-CODED) & your whole nature thus transformed (via a NEW PROGRAM) & then you will be able to discern the will of God & to know what is good, acceptable & perfect”.
It is invaluable to our ongoing health, happiness & ‘full-fill-ment’ to ‘ponder & absorb’ the ‘key’ elements for entry into the Kingdom of God (as ‘hidden in clear view’ in the above quotation): ‘living sacrifice’ / ‘worship of mind & heart’ / ‘minds remade’ / ‘whole nature transformed’: THEN &, only THEN, will you be “FIT for Purpose” & the “GLOW of Happiness” will be yours.
In summary: All the above ‘hinges’ on your answer to two vital questions: (1) What, if any thing (at all, at all), is not “real” – RIGHT, TRUE, GOOD – in your existing ‘way of life’? & (2) What is the “real” for you – WAY, TRUTH, LIFE – that Jesus modeled for all people (His adopted brothers & sisters)?
Addendum: You may feel ‘blown away’ by all the ‘tech’ stuff mentioned here, which – as you are only too well aware – now occupies peoples lives, 24/7. Almost everyone seems to be enslaved by his / her ‘PDA’ (Personal Digital Assistant). Take ‘heart, hope & happiness’ on the ‘reality / realization’ that a irreplaceable ‘PDA’ (Personal Divine Assistant) is waiting to serve your needs with abundant graces & blessings (on your – ‘very own’ -unique journey).
We’ve focused (above) mainly on the PROGRAM ‘context’. This is the ‘vital’ VISION for living life to the full. Now, let’s look briefly at the PROGRAM ‘content’. This is your “CODE” in action, in daily life:(i.e.):“this is your life”:
Challenges :‘this or that’
Options :‘good or bad’
Decisions :‘right or wrong’
Empowerment :‘heaven or hell’
Be awake / Be alert / Be aware: ‘garbage-in’ / ‘garbage-out’ or, alternatively: ‘goodness-in’ / ‘goodness-out’. The CHOICE is yours – in your Head / in your Heart / in your Hands.
Daniel ( 10/9/14