This is a common ‘SOS’ message – ‘sounding-out-screamingly’ – from our base ‘dis-functional’ human nature.
We have tried – ‘desperately determined’ – to “make” our own life on our own terms (‘self-for-self’). But, somehow, our ‘WILL’ – which, we eventually cometo realise, is: ‘Weak, Iffy, Lazy, Lost’ – is not up to the task.
So, what can we ‘do’? The simple answer is: we can ‘do’ nothing!
Well, then, what other option is on offer? It’s the ‘Good News’ delivered by the ‘Good News Himself’: Jesus (the Christ): “I have come that you may have life” (John 10:10) –“I have come that you may have My Life”.
Jesus came to remedy the ‘self’ (which is the soul without God) & restore the ‘mystery of godliness’ (which is the presence of God within the soul).
When we are in ‘self’ mode, we are separated from God. Jesus was sent by God (The Father) to rescue dis-functional humanity from ‘self’ destruction.
It was on the cross (of Calvary)that God in Christ dealt fully & finally with ‘self’ – the nature from which all our sins flow. He died on the cross – not only “for” you & me, but also “as” you & me.
In effect, Jesus answered humanity’s ‘SOS’ call. He restored functionalhuman lifeby the functional life of God.
We receive Jesus Christ, by faith (which means: ‘Trust in the Giver’): then & only then: ‘Christ enables us to live in Him, all that He Himself lived & he lives it in us’ (CCC 521).
I hear you saying: “there must be a catch”! Well, there is! You face a stark choice / decision: are you ‘really, really, really’ ready to CHANGE YOUR MODE OF LIVING(i.e. the way you have been living your life)?
God has provided us with a power – the power of the Lord Jesus / the powerof His Resurrection / the power of theHoly Spirit – by which every PROBLEM may be overcome. To get the benefit of this power: we must:submit to / be conformed to:‘the death of Jesus’ / ‘the life of Christ’: ‘die to self-life’ / ‘rise to spirit-life’.
Jesus said: “If any man wants to come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily & follow Me” (Luke 9:23).This involves taking
PERSONAL responsibility in the matter of: “denying ourselves”: “taking up our cross daily”: “following Him”. In summary: Jesus demands that we apply the metaphorical ‘cross-of-death’ to all our ‘selfish’ tendencies in order to cease all our ‘selfish’ behaviour.
The message is: our Rescuer / Saviour(Jesus, the Christ) is on ‘stand by’ for our ‘SOS’ call: “WAITING TO BE WANTED”: to Gift us His Grace: to set us free (i.e. to free us to be: all God intends us to be).
Daniel ( 16/3/’14
If you are “STUCK” somewhere in life!If you have that “SINKING” feeling!If you think you are “LOST”!Then, you are in a “BAD” place / in a CRISIS zone. So, what can you do?
Jesus tells us (& teaches us an important lesson) about someone who tried to ‘make his / her own life’ &, like all human plans, God laughed&everything went wrong.
I’m referencing, here, the story of the ‘prodigal son / daughter’. This person – after much suffering, pain & misery – lookedaround & began to take the bigger picture into account & to review the context & content of his / her life.
Somehow, he / she had “grasped” at a ‘honey-pot’ & ended up in a ‘hell-hole’:(see Editorial 9/11/’13). The ‘self’ had become caught-up in ‘self’&, as PROBLEMS emerged (i.e. life’s normal quota of trials, troubles & tribulations) there was nobody around to offer help.
As the story goes, the ‘prodigal son / daughter’ was ‘graced’ with a “wake up” experience: he / she “came to their senses” & decided: “I will break away and return to my Father” (Luke 15:18). This is how ‘old life’ issues get resolved.
Note: the real ‘Father’ figure in our lives is “God, the Father”, who, even Jesus ‘looked-up-to’ throughout His human / divine life, here on earth. WE ARE meant to follow Jesus’s example, too – as per the “Our Father” prayer.
Now: what is this about ‘new life’? Well, there is plenty of “good news” onthis vital subject. It is, in fact, the story of Jesus’s own life. He came to deliver a ‘one & only’ SOLUTION i.e. Himself. He said: “ I have come that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
However, in this presentation (as an add-on to what is already set out on this website) I am focusing only on the first two paragraphs of Romans 12:
“My brothers & sisters, I implore you, by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice”, You are to ‘sacrifice’ your own ‘self’ i.e. you are to “hand-over” your ‘self-for-self’ ‘mode of living’ (i.e. your ‘old life style’) to Jesus, the Christ.
“Adapt your selves no longer to the pattern of the world, but let your minds be remade & your whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, & know what is good, acceptable & perfect”. Here,you switch your ‘central focus in life’ from the ‘horizontal’ (worldly affairs) to the ‘vertical’ (heavenly affairs).
Note: your mind is your ‘sat nav’ (i.e. your inbuilt ‘satellite navigation’ system) & it takes you, unerringly, to where ever (destination) you set, via your ‘thinking’ (i.e. ‘programming’).
Note, also:changing the ‘direction’ of your life (simply: ‘in this manner’) will radically change your whole way of living, as you will, automatically, be ‘tuned into’ the “good life”.
Daniel ( 17/2/’14
What a challenge! It’s really beyond our human capacity / capability. Nevertheless, WE ARE more than mere human beings & that’s the key.
WE ARE to ‘look beyond ourselves’.
I’m referencing here the Booklet / e-Book: ‘FIT’ for Purpose / The “GLOW” of Happiness. Note: the title / subtitle (stated here) are set out in reverse order, as we try to make sense of same, to address the tasks
facing us.
Here is your: ‘present moment’ “KEEP FIT” programme:
Flee to God always
Invoke God’s help continuously
Thank God in everything
Now, that’s half the battle, taken care of. But where do we find the
“LOOK GOOD” formula? It’s ‘hidden’ within an ‘intimate’ translation of the “GLOW” concept:
God Loves Our Worth
He created us: our GOODNESS, our LOVABLENESS, our OPENNESS, our WORTHWHILENESS: in summary: our “GLOW” elements. WE ARE made in His images & likeness. Consequently, He wants to shine out through each of us, every day (despite all our trials, troubles & tribulations).
Where can we seek this very special ‘treasure’? Here is the answer: “God will meet all your needs according to His glorious richness in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
Note: it’s NOT according to your needs / according to your merits / according to how good you have been / according to how hard you work / according to how many resolutions you have made. It’s “according to the richness in Christ Jesus”. He, ALONE, gives us that inner “GLOW” feeling.
Footnote re: ’WE ARE’: As Christians (i.e. followers of Jesus Christ) WE ARE “children of God” (1 John 3: 1-2).
Daniel ( 18/1/14
This paradoxical title seeks to address the basic dynamics of social & spiritual dis-connect in our lives (as per booklet / e-book & this follow-on website). As a possible contender for the Guinness Book of Records you will find an outline of the context, content & conclusion on page one.
The core concept is envisioned in terms of “RELATIONALITY” & the role ‘separated-relationships’ & ‘connected-relationships’ play in our everyday lives. The dilemma of human living presents quite a challenge, whether addressed in terms of:single mode, social mode, spiritual mode or any combination of same. Somehow our humanity seems to have been compromised. We all, to some degree, manifest default defects that impact ”RELATIONALITY”.
A basic contrasting set of strategies is delineated in terms of ‘WARD’ (off) tactics &in reverse terms of ‘DRAW’ (out) transcendence. The question arises: what possibilities might arise if we came to a deeper understanding of our latent human weakness & incapacity?
The ‘self’ in survival mode is like a donkey who has a reputation for stubbornness. We try to tame the ass – ‘ass’ we are. However, in ‘self’ transcendence mode we ‘give-up’ on human effort & ‘call-in’ Jesus, the Christ. See CCC 521.
PONDER: Come to me all you who labour& are burdened& I will give you rest. Take my ‘yoke’ (mode of living) upon you & learn from me, for I am gentle & humble of heart- (Matthew 11:28-29).
Transition-time-thoughts + Addendum:
‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner’.
‘Run To God’ for what is ‘Right True Good’
Most forms of addictions ‘ modern day compulsions’are rooted in pain: the pain of loneliness, failure, rejection, low self-esteem etc.
However, we all seek comfort, consolation affirmation in one form or another. This is part of our human condition. No matter who we are or how seemingly secure our lives, we all long to know that we are loved that there is someone we can turn to, no matter what we have done no matter what predicament we find ourselves in. Some find this unconditional acceptance in their families. Others are not so lucky.
Loneliness can be a terrible anguish even within relationships we can experience a sense of being isolated, alone & in need of affirmation consolation. We could call this the ‘God-shaped-hole’ or the ‘divine-itch’, which simply will not go away.
How many of us turn to the Scriptures (as the living Word of God) when we are down, lonely depressed? It is in the Scriptures that we encounter the risen Christ hear him speak to us.
Mercifully, the Scriptures are full of comforting consoling words, such as are set out in this month’s ‘PONDER’ quotation. These words are spoken to every human being. They are not mere human ‘descriptive’ words: they are divine ‘generative’ words. Only God can utter these words ‘ only God can offer this gift.
Jesus, the Christ, holds out to every human being the promise of peace: not the absence of trouble’ s trife, but to know experience the peace of God, which transcends understanding (Philippians 4:7).
What is the way to peace’ Jesus, the Christ, is Peace personified. We need to know what it is that robs us of peace. The most common reason we lose our peace is: we allow the immediate, the here now ‘our worldly affairs ‘ to dominate overwhelm us. We could call this the ‘tyranny of the urgent’ (e.g.facebook / twitter). The remedy to this is to carve out some time -no matter how small – to be still to be with the Lord, Jesus Christ: to converse with Him, to ponder His Word: to be refreshed by Him, so as to be able to smile again.
* * *
Many thanks to ‘Bible Alive’ for the above reflection, which has been taken / adapted from their daily ‘Word of God’ commentary: Daniel.
Daniel ( 11/12/’13
Are you “stuck” in one of life’s ‘honey-pot’ ‘hell-holes’?
Are you like the legendary monkey who squeezes his paw through a hole to reach honey and, when he “grasps” same, he is unable to withdraw or escape?
Are you “stuck” on some particular desire in your current ‘mode-of-living’?
In simple terms: are you personally “caught-up” in something that seems so vitalto you that you tend to ‘keep-on-expressing-it’ in terms: “I want” or “I don’t want”?
On the surface, this approach to ‘life-situations’ seems to makes “perfect sense”. Thereis no denying it’s logic, in the light of ‘self’. In fact ‘self’ is always ‘dead’ right aboutanything & everything to do with ‘self’. But, equally, it’s nearly always ‘dead’to other solutions &, as a consequence, ‘dead’ also, to ever being satisfied.
The demands: “I want” or “I don’t want”: seem innocent enough. They are the kind of,‘automatic’, responses we routinely make every day. Without realizing it, one is giving voice to something ‘hidden’ deep inside. The Bible puts it like this: “If it’s on your lips, it’s in your heart” (Matthew 15:18): “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45): “As a person thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
What all this translates to, in practice, is: one is turning to ‘self’ for fulfillment. The“I” is the big ‘give-away’, whether it’s stated in positive or negative terms. This is called: “following a false god”. You are, without realizing it, “stuck” in one of life’smany & varied, ‘honey-pot’ ‘hell-holes’. You have condemned your ‘self’ to live
captive to a ‘self-for-self’ life of misery.
We can analyze the above scenario “until the cows come home”, but we will only dig our ‘self’ into a deeper hole. So, what can be ‘done’?: who can one to ‘turn’ to? The “key” to life’sconundrum is: “all problems are psychological: all solutions are spiritual”.
When one turns one’s desires over to God for fulfillment, you are not denying same. Youare placing them into God’s eternal purposes, where they are transformed into whatever God has purposed for them from the beginning. You are, in essence, saying: “What you want, Lord, I, also want” / “If you don’t want it, neither do I”.
Obviously, this approach to ‘life-situations’ seems to make “no sense”. It has, in fact, nologic, since it’s based on “Faith-in-God”. All that is on offer is the ‘foolishness’ ofthe Cross, which says: ‘die’ to one’s false ‘self’ & ‘rise’ to new life. One is trusting inJesus Christ, who said: “I have come that you may have life & have it to the full”.(John 10:10).
Note: when we ‘aim’ for anything in life we need to concentrate on the ‘cross-hairs’ in our ‘view-finder’. This is the intersection of the horizontal & the vertical. It’s what the Cross is all about: “balancing” the ‘human’dimension of life & the ‘divine’ dimension of life: achieving ‘communion’ of love, joy& peace.
Ponder: ‘Lord God: You keep him/her in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he/she trusts in You. Trust in the Lord for ever,
for the Lord God is an everlasting rock’.
At this time in history ‘ in the ongoing story of our individual collective lives ‘ we are all ‘only-too-well-aware’ of the present state of ’un-ease’ in human affairs.
Life, somehow, seems caught-up in a depressing sequence of wrangling waring, weeping wailing. People are in difficulties on all sides are desperately seeking ’HELP’ (sending-out ‘SOS’ messages).
The ‘Big Bad Wolf’(world) is out there trying to divide us – destroy us. We feel fearful vulnerable: ’dis-connected’! What can we do’ Where can we turn’
This website seeks to build on the base set-out in the Booklet (see eBook) ’re-connect’ us via PONDER themes FORMATION / PRACTICE teams.
The ‘pondering’ mode underlines all inputs a fifth final set of ABC’s is presented (under the PONDER button):
“A” (Alone),’ “B” (Be-come)’ “C” (Cross-the-divide)
These pull all the ‘reflections / contemplations’ together the ‘formation / practice’
proposals (under the respective FORMATION PRACTICE buttons) are for, on the ground, development maturity.Brautjungfernkleider Lang
Thus, each all of us is challenged to pursue a ‘mode of living’ that not only frees us ‘to-be-all-we-can-be’, in the words of St Catherine of Siena, ‘to-set-the-world-on-fire’.
‘Old life’ RESOLVED: Luke 15:18