As per our ‘founding’ Booklet / eBook (The “GLOW” of Happiness / ‘FIT’ for Purpose) the significant question (for each & all of us) is: what is LIFE? And, as we are only too well aware ::: LIFE can be “good” & we can “feel”: ‘Loved Inspired Fulfilled Engaged’ ::: LIFE can be “bad” & we can “feel”: ‘Lonely Insecure Frustrated Exploited’. This is “the gap in the market & the market in the gap” for our ‘title / theme’ (above).
So, to come to ‘grips with / wrestle with’ this VITAL subject matter ::: we’re ‘talking, reflecting, pondering’: three core issues (3 C’s) that are key to LIFE ::: (1) “CONTEXT” for LIFE (i.e. God’s ‘PRO’VISION) ::: (2) “CONTENT” for LIFE (i.e. God’s SACRAMENTS) ::: (3) ”CONCLUSION” for LIFE (i.e. God’s TRUTH).
The ‘combination’ word ‘PRO’VISION is shorthand for: VISION ‘Perfect Relational Order’. Yes, God knew what He was about ::: setting the “CONTEXT” for LIFE ::: ‘Creating Creation Creatures’ ::: so much so, that Jesus ‘modelled’ our FOCUS (in the Our Father) ::: Thy Name, Thy Kingdom, Thy Will. And, here is WHERE we can seek to ‘FULL-FILL’ the deep desires of our hearts.
Now, for a ‘reality’ check! WHERE are you in terms of ::: “CONTENT” for LIFE? The world in which we live is ‘GIVEN’ as LOVE ::: all that exists is a ‘sign, symbol, sacrament’ of God’s Presence. Hence (as per prayer card) ::: ‘Everything is SACRAMENTAL in God’s love’ ::: ‘I can PONDER with God for hours and hours’ ::: ‘Finding new ways to CONNECT each minute’. Thus – each day – we can: “taste & see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
Ok, you might say: “I get the picture!”. So, “WHERE does that leave me?”. Are you ready? It’s in the everyday “CONTEXT” and “CONTENT” of our ‘inter-actions / inter-changes / inter-relations’ that difficulties arise ::: we get “stuck” in (dis-functional / dis-ordered / dis-respectful) “self-serving modes of living”. These “invalid way of living” (i.e. not ‘right / true / good’) – which may not (possibly) have a happy “CONCLUSION” for LIFE – might be ‘summed-up’ as ::: ‘stinking thinking: ignoring God’s TRUTH’. Ever since we became aware we had ‘brains’ (not just ‘brawn’) we have been “blind” to ::: our LOST / FOUND status ::: our latent human ‘weaknesses’ / ‘potential’. We, foolishly, begin to ‘think that our thoughts’ are better than God’s TRUTH ::: we, futilely, proceed to ‘do’ without God’s TRUTH ::: we, flagrantly, ‘fail to acknowledge’ God’s TRUTH ::: “in Him we live & move & have our being” (Acts 17:28).
So, then, WHERE is the GOOD NEWS? It is (as per the ‘hand-out’ card) ::: “Happy are those who recognise they are LOST and realise they are FOUND” ::: “We joyfully discover ‘WHERE WE ARE’ when our ‘horizontal mode of life’ (i.e. social) & our ‘vertical mode of life’ (i.e. spiritual) CROSS each other & are reconciled”.
CONNECTIVITY / New Evangelisation is all about ‘social / spiritual’ RELATIONALITY. Human life can manifest in ::: ‘negativity’ (‘Abandoned Betrayed Condemned’) ::: ‘positivity’ (Affirmed Blessed Celebrated) ::: ‘shades-in-between’. Yes, LIFE can be ‘cruel’ & LIFE can be ‘kind’, as per the variety of articles – delving into these ‘perceived conditions’ – on this ‘Konect 1-2-1’ website. For example, the ‘Battered Image’ / ‘Sure Hope’ blog outlines: ‘deep down’ emotional difficulties & the ‘healing’ message of Jesus the Christ.
Here’s “amazing” GOOD NEWS: The Bible reveals how God (‘Trinity’ / ‘Father, Son & Holy Spirit’ / ‘The Love that Loves to Love’) “gifts / graces / glorifies” LIFE & how mankind (God’s adopted children) might “receive / restore/ return” LIFE. We see ‘searching’ personal intimacy (‘in-to-me-see’) questions – WHERE are you? (asked of Adam) – WHERE do you live? (asked of Jesus). These, too, are the questions we need to ask ourselves & to respond to (‘face-to-face’), The ‘big picture’ is always ‘out there’ ::: as our personal ‘life-story’ unfolds ::: “what is life if full of care we have not time to stand & stare?
The “CONCLUSION” for LIFE ‘drama’ inevitably ‘manifests’ – at some point in time – for all mankind. We see Jesus (the ‘sinless’ one) on Calvary accompanied by two criminals (‘sinners’). The curtain of life is about to be closed. Jesus is fully resigned to ‘deliver’ His Father’s Will. One criminal ‘curses’ his ‘bad luck’ & continues to “WARD” (off) help ::: ‘Wage Antagonistic Relational Defiance’.The other criminal ‘blesses’ his ‘good luck’ & seizes the opportunity to “DRAW” (out) help ::: ‘Die (to self-seeking) Recognise Acknowledge Welcome’ ::: he calls to Jesus ::: “re-member-me” (in your Kingdom) ::: “make me a member again”. Jesus answers ::: “This day you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). In ‘real time’ this offer is there for you, for me & for everyone ::: all we have to ‘do’ is ::: “ask seek knock” (Matthew 7:7 & Luke 11:9).
In summary: CONNECTIVITY / New Evangelisation is about “seeing” our divine / human “relationality” in the ‘context / content / conclusion’ for LIFE.
NOTE: Card ‘connections’ are available from: Konect 1-2-1 Ltd., 33 Charlemont St., Dublin 2