Our ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) has a ‘deep message’ with ‘real meaning’ for everyone.
The story which gives understanding to our ‘miserable human condition’ is ‘all over’ the Bible : we were ‘three’ (ie “triune”) : we became ‘two’ (ie “dual”) : we are ‘one’ (ie “single”). So, what – you might ask – is the ‘big deal’ about all that?
Yes, indeed, we are referencing “The Fall”, which is the ‘Evil News’ of our ‘existential separation’ from God. But, let me hasten to inform you – per this article – of the ‘Good News’ of our ‘existential salvation’ with God –
Jesus the Christ is “Incarnated Trinity”
He is the “Divine / Human” Way of ‘Life itself’
He is the ‘Living Reality’ for “God’s Family”
In sum: ‘observing’ the ‘present state of world affairs’ we see a ‘human condition’ without “joy” (ie “stuck” / “angered” / “bored out of our minds”). The “fall out” – “Why are you cast down, my soul? Why groan within me? Hope in God, I will praise Him still, my Saviour and my God” (Psalm 42:11 / Psalm 43:5) – has been ‘downhill all the way’ – our ‘original’ state was ‘Trinitarian’ (ie “walking with God”) – we, then, ‘disconnected’ into ‘Duality’ (ie “falling apart”) – and, finally, ‘disintegrated’ into ‘Single’ (ie “isolating mode”). But, as per the three #33 statements (above), God turns ‘evil’ to ‘good’.
This website’s (‘Konect 1-2-1’) frontpage captures the ‘Big Picture’ of “Divine Human Relationality” – “Christ and the Cross (‘VIA’)” which are at the centre of “Divine Will” / “Life itself” / “God’s Family”. Our individual and collective ‘tasks / roles / mission’ is to AFFIRM BLESS CELEBRATE in (‘ABC’) Trinity Mode.
Jesus the Christ came as our “Model” to show us – God’s “wayward”, but “adopted” children – the ‘way back home’. Note: The ‘VIA’ concept is ‘core’ to ‘transformation’ from “old” (‘Secular way of life’) to “new” (‘Christian way of life’’) –
The ‘VIA’ Way : ‘Value Identity Affirmation’
– “Become” a Reflection of Jesus the Christ –
– “Become” ‘Love Giving’ in the Events of Life –
As the Bible reveals : God The Father ‘Affirmed’ the ‘Value’ and ‘Identity’ of His Son (Jesus the Christ) in The Holy Spirit : “You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11 / Matthew 3:17 / Luke 3:22). So, also, Jesus the Christ ‘Affirms’ the ‘Value’ and ‘Identity’ of ‘each and every person’ – child / teenager / adult – on the face of the earth. We – in turn – are to be “other Christ’s” : ‘Affirming’ the ‘Value’ and ‘Identity’ of all our “brothers and sisters in Christ” (ie “God’s Global Family”).
So, “there you have it” : your very own “vital” – ‘Trinitarian Love’ (‘Communion / Community’) – “participation” in the “Body of Christ”. It’s “live action” (ie ‘alive and active’) all the way ‘VIA’ Christ Jesus, our Lord – “Christ enables us to live in Him, all that He, Himself, lived and He lives it in us” (CCC 521) –
“Participatory Presence” is “God’s Own Way”
We are God’s ‘VIA’ “Participatory Presence”
In recent Blogs we have explained mankind’s ‘3D’ VIRUS (‘Delusional Dysfunctional Diabolical) and our tendency to ‘ignore’ “Reality” and ‘indulge’ “Fake False Fiction”.
In particular, we focused on how to “turn the tables” – as Jesus the Christ “acted” in the Temple (John 2:!3-16 / Mark 11:15-18 / Matthew 21:12-13) – on the ‘TWISTER’ –
He is the ‘TWIST’ that “UNBINDS” the ‘TWISTER’
– He : Jesus Christ : is, Truly, our ‘One And Only’ –
– ‘Through With In Separation Trans-ended’ –
Yes, God (“Trinity”) is in ‘complete control’ of “Divine Will” / “God’s Family” / “Life Itself” and ‘everything everywhere is already alright’ – despite all the ‘DISASTERS’ that are ‘raging in the world’. In “Faith” / “Hope” / “Love” ‘wake up’ and ‘open your eyes’ to “see” the makings of the “Body of Christ” – ‘The People of God’ – as a ‘New World Order’. So, accept (‘individually and collectively’) God – at His Word : “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 9/4/20