‘To be or not to be’ may be the open ended ‘question’ posed by Shakespeare, but, this ‘title theme’ sets out with an affirmative ‘answer’, that is at the heart of creation. In case you didn’t get the ‘message and the meaning’ (set out above) ::: here’s an other #33 version of same ::: ‘You don’t have to “Do” anything : “Be” as you are’.
The bible story of Martha and Mary – ‘The One Thing Necessary’ (Luke 10:38-42) – is revealing in this matter ::: Martha is ‘busy with serving’ (i.e. “doing”) and Mary is ‘at ease with sitting’ (i.e. “being”). When Martha asks Jesus to rouse Mary to help her, the significance of the ‘dishes’ and the ‘deity’ is put in perspective. “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her”. In summation of this ‘God incident’ we might say ::: Martha wants Mary to ‘take-part’ (in the “doing”) ::: Jesus wants Mary to ‘part-take’ (in the “being”). So, here’s a key #33 to ponder and practice ::: ‘Everything is to “Be” a partaking with God’.
In the ‘big picture’ of life : “Be” is a ‘Cultural’ and ‘Christian’ value, that is foundational (i.e. “rock”) to human ‘existence / relationality’ ::: we ‘find ourselves’ at the ‘interface’ (i.e. the horizontal / vertical intersection of the ‘cross’ in life) of the Divine (gift / grace / glory) and the Human (receive / restore / return) ::: so, what are we to “Do”? Again, we have to ‘get a grip’ on this “Be” factor.
Now, the ‘bad’ news and the ‘good’ news : ‘You can’t “Be”, until you “Become” what you are’ (see Blog 11/5/17). The core ‘Way of Life’ paradigm presented in these writings is the ‘AFFIRMATION PROCESS’ ::: to “Be” you, you have first to “Become’ you ::: to “Become” you you have first to ‘receive’ the ‘gift of yourself’ from a ‘significant other person’ (usually, a parent) who confirms ‘your own innate goodness’ (i.e. ‘value’ and ‘identity’). This is your ‘Assured Blessed Confirmation’ (‘ABC’) of “who” you ‘really / really / really’ are ::: ‘child of God’ ::: ‘family of God’.
As St. Catherine of Siena has stated : “if you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire”. Yes, ‘fire’ gives ‘light’ (to open eyes) and ‘heat’ (to warm hearts), so that “desire” and “destiny” might reconcile (a la St. Augustine) : ‘You made us for yourself, O’ Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’. Note: St. Augustine is stating something very ‘PRO’FOUND, here ::: he had FOUND the ‘missing link’ to understanding the ‘agony’ (as against the ‘happiness’) of our ‘human condition’ (i.e. the duality of ‘instinct’ and ‘intellect’, which tend to pull in different directions) : Perfect Relational Order (‘PRO’).
The mystery of life goes back to the ‘design stage’, when God embarked on creation (His ‘playground’) and creatures (His ‘image and likeness’). The ‘truth of life’ is : we are ‘spiritual beings’, who have been made flesh. So, the ‘reality of life’ is ::: we are ‘spiritual beings’ seeking to “Be” human / not ‘human beings’ trying to “Be” spiritual. In our original state, we were in communion with God, but disaster struck, when Adam and Eve tried to “Do” their own thing. However, don’t rush to blame our first parents. As we (now) know – in all contractual matters – the ‘devil’ is in the detail. And, that, surely, is evident in the ‘dis-functional’ story of mankind.
So, don’t lose heart ::: God accepts you as(s) you are. Note: that extra ‘s’ stands for our ‘default’ condition : sin / separation / stubbornness. But, But, But ::: it is, also, up to ‘you and me and everyone else’ to accepts God’s Good News ::: we have been rescued ::: “the Father sent his Son to be the saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14).
In sum : If you are not following Jesus the Christ (Way / Truth / Life) you are following ‘false gods’ (i.e. ‘dead ends’) offering all kinds of ‘worldly distractions’. So, if your life is a ‘mess’, now you know, you are not ‘partaking’ with what is ‘really real’. To manifest God’s will: “Be” on earth as it is in heaven : “I am with you” (= #33) /
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 6/10/17