Our ‘title theme’ (in #33 mode) poses a really ‘deep’ personal question, which only ‘you’ can answer. It’s an ‘awkward-embarrassing-uncomfortable’ question. It ‘hits the heart’ like the question Jesus asked Peter : “Do you love me?” (John 21:15-17). And the Bible says : “Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him three times”.
The focus here is on the ‘Big Question’ that seeks a ‘new perspective’ on ‘life itself’. In ‘secular’ terms the question might be expressed ‘superficially’ as –
Are you ‘baffled, bewildered, bamboozled’?
Yes, you ‘think / feel’: you are ‘with it’ – you are ‘high tech’ – you are ‘tuned into the now’ – but, somehow or other, you suffer from ‘panic, paralysis, and powerlessness’. The ‘world’ seems ‘mired in a swamp’ of ‘confusion and deception’. And, as outlined in previous Blogs: ‘humanity’ has a 3D Problem (‘Delusional Dysfunctional Diabolical’).
So, let’s get back to basics : “Are you (personally) willing (to give your consent) to let God (real God / false god) truly (honest / dishonest) love (exploit) you?”. In other words: what does your ‘outer’ behaviour reveal about your ‘inner’ attitudes?
Ok, It’s ‘wake up time’ – ‘awake from your slumber’ – each and every person has to answer – sooner or later – this question for themselves. That’s ‘bad news’, but, here’s ‘good news’. All humanity is in the same boat – none of us can “walk on water” – we’re all ‘miserable sinners’ – whether we like it or not. None of us are ‘over fond’ of our own personal “weaknesses” – and, so, we tend to ‘cover them up’ (‘hide them’) with all kinds of ‘diversions distractions dishonesty’. Thus, it appears, we are ‘really-really-really’ on our own. What a weight of ‘junk rubbish trash’ to carry around 24/7?
But wait a minute! Didn’t St Paul say: “when I am weak, then I am strong”. Yes, indeed. Paul’s described his weaknesses (“infirmities”) as a “thorn in the flesh”. In a vision, Paul learned the invaluable lesson of God’s Grace: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. This insight enabled Paul to go on to say : “I will gladly boast of my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest in me” and “for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, insults, hardships, difficulties” (2 Corinthians 12:9-11).
So, ‘what on earth in heaven’s name are we on about?’ (as per Fr Pat Collins). The ‘Big Question’ (‘a key question’) is: ‘are you willing to let God love you unconditionally?’
Ok, you may react / respond : “I’m busy busy busy”. Yes, that’s a standard excuse for “keeping on doing (‘repeating’) the same mistakes, ‘day in’ / ‘day out’, for ever and ever.
Do I hear you say : “give me a break” (from all these occurrences). And, my answer is : “give yourself a break” – “cry out” – “God, I’m LOST, help me” – and “He will”. All you have to ‘do’ ( in ‘ABC’ terms) is –
“Ask” and “Believe” to “Claim” God’s ‘VIA’ Answer
– ‘then express your thanks continuously’ –
‘Glory and Praise to our God : in You I trust’
The ‘VIA’ Concept is central to this website’s (‘Konect 1-2-1’) Logo, Message. Meaning. It stands for : ‘Value Identity Affirmation’ –
‘Our real emotional need is genuine love’
– Our true Value and Identity is Affirmed –
God saying: “I love you” / “I love you” / “I love you”
In summary: Gift (of life) Grace (for life) Glory (in life) is our “true” inheritance, as God’s ‘adopted children’. Our ‘task’ is to ‘Receive Restore Return’ God’s Love. We LEARN to LOVE by LETTING God LOVE us FIRST. We BECOME what we RECEIVE: “Communion” / ‘Community’ ::: “The Body of Christ” / ‘The People of God’.
Daniel (www.konect-1-2-1.com) 4/10/19